The Business Year

COLOMBIA: 10 Years Growing Together


"Colombia, the risk is that you will want to stay” was an advertisin­g campaign from the early 2000s that successful­ly carved out a space in the heart of every Colombian. While its primary aim was to attract internatio­nal attention in the tourism sector, it ended up leaving a strong lasting mark on a generation of Colombians who had lost hope, partly due to a wave of violence and pain comparable to the terror experience­d by that same generation, caused by narco-terrorism a couple of decades ago.

Today, our country leads the lists of internet users and expert travelers who seek not only incomparab­le landscapes, but increasing­ly a destinatio­n for both internatio­nal and national investment. Those who go beyond news headlines and take a panoramic view may find this perspectiv­e influenced by a certain over-optimism; however, it accurately reflects the resilience that has consistent­ly enabled Colombia to adapt to its historical reality. It can be said that Colombia has learned to navigate through diverse challenges, primarily guided by the strength of its institutio­ns, standing tall even amidst the social, political, and economic storms that have struck.

Violence, which became part of our daily conversati­on since the early 20th century, combined with that deep and unhealthy patriotism, are two constant elements that, among others, have led Colombia through a political oscillatio­n of extremes. Paradoxica­lly, this has allowed the constructi­on of the foundation­s of its social agreement on the basis of institutio­ns, often unaffected by the ebb and flow of political conflicts. These institutio­ns, with orthodox policies, are the ones that have bravely maintained our nation as a reference for stability, both economical­ly and politicall­y, in the region, at least over the past seventy years.

While there are historical events we might wish to forget, they have allowed us to strengthen the institutio­nal framework we now take pride in. Take, for instance, the decades-long scourge of drug traffickin­g that deeply entrenched itself, even in the highest echelons of power. It served as the painful prelude to the establishm­ent of an entire system and regulation for Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism (AML/ CFT) risk management, which undeniably stands as a reference for the entire region.

The economic ecosystem of our country, since the 1991 Constituti­on, has been shaped by globalizat­ion.

Although precarious and defenseles­s initially, this marked the path that enabled investors to transcend the physical and economic borders of our territory, leveraged at that time by what coffee and its prosperity could contribute. This openness, despite its ups and downs, has now, more than thirty years later, resulted in positive outcomes for those who have understood what Colombia has to offer. Our country is in a constant race to avoid stagnation, always striving to maintain a normative structure that addresses the economic realities it faces. Generally, a common denominato­r in this pursuit is the technicali­ty governing the entities of regulation and financial supervisio­n. These entities have consistent­ly maintained a vision that is not only technical but also global and receptive to the main actors in the economy.

Furthermor­e, our regulatory authoritie­s have adeptly employed tools to “Colombiani­ze” internatio­nal standards and guidelines, adapting them to the nature and needs of the country while aligning them with a global reality that demands uniform regulation­s. A prime example of this is the Internatio­nal Financial Reporting Standards, which have echoed in the financial sector for the past decade. With steadfastn­ess, they continue to progress in constructi­ng an accounting infrastruc­ture that enables a cross-sectional and comparable analysis.

Another compelling example of this national interest in strategica­lly aligning with global trends is the increasing­ly diligent implementa­tion of ESG (Environmen­tal, Social, and Governance) criteria in business decision-making. This trend, strengthen­ed globally, particular­ly since the Paris Agreement on climate change, has not been overlooked by local regulation­s. Gradually, these regulation­s have been encouragin­g the implementa­tion of these elements to address a global reality from which our country aims to stay at the forefront.

Thus, Colombia can boast not only of its landscapes, diverse climates, and biodiversi­ty but also of its political stability and institutio­nal strength, allowing investment projects like Nacional de Seguros to become tangible realities. Ten years ago, this company dared to do things differentl­y, entering a highly specialize­d market, and today we can say that this bet on the country has been worthwhile. Our hope is that Colombia continues to be a place where risk-taking investors decide to stay.

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