The Chronicle

Could you help with guide dogs?


GUIDE dogs bring choice and independen­ce to many people with sight loss across the North East. I am a puppy training supervisor and my job is to help our guide dog puppies to develop into these lifechangi­ng dogs.

I couldn’t do this without the dedicated volunteer puppy walkers who take dogs from the age of seven weeks to live in their homes until they are about 14 months old.

In this time, the volunteers, with my support and advice, will socialise the dogs in many different situations and teach them some essential commands, as well as providing a loving and secure home.

Being a puppy walker is a demanding volunteer role as the dog is with you 24/7 and even guide dog puppies will chew things or have an “accident” when they are very young! We also ask that you LOOK at the mess we have made of our world, Our world is dying through the destructiv­e nature of man, The politics of man has created despair, Love thy neighbour is a sentiment lost, A world lacking true compassion is the cost, Trillions spent looking for a planet That will sustain human life out there in outer space, I for one pray that the universe is saved from Being contaminat­ed by the human race, We can’t live in peace with one another On our cosmic speck of dust, Man is of arrogant dominance, greed and lust, Masters of the universe is man’s ultimate aim, Extra-terrestria­ls beware, man is on the move, Uninvited, as on earth he has done before, He’ll colonise your space, Danger! Beware the human race. WILLIAM BANKS, Seghill, Northumber­land

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