The Chronicle

Lukes good for Birtley ace as he lfits Euro gold


BIRTLEY head coach Graeme Rutherford has hailed Luke McCormack’s European Under-22 gold medal as “the best I’ve seen him box for eight months.” McCormack was one of only two GB golds won in Romania and Rutherford believes it marks his emergence from a dark period in an otherwise stand-out career. “Luke has struggled with hand injuries and maybe lost a bit of desire after missing out on the Olympics and then struggling to make the weight at 60kg in his last outing,” said Rutherford. “I agreed with England Boxing’s Rob McCracken it was time to move him up in weight, as at 21 he is starting to become a man. “Luke seemed to have more energy and his attitude in training was a lot happier. He trained hard for this event and I’m so pleased for him. He deserves this, and to see him in the form we know he is capable of at this level was just a joy.

“It’s great news because Luke now has a gold to go with his European silver. His twin Pat was also European champion and European silver medallist at senior level in 2016 so it’s fabulous for the family. I think sometimes Luke put himself down after the Olympics and getting the injury which stopped him going to the qualifiers but this has put a smile on his face, as it has done mine.”

McCormack beat Lasha Guruli of Georgia 4-1 on the judges’ scorecards in the 64kg final in Brialia.

“The Georgian was very big for the weight and strong, and in the first he pressed forward looking to take the centre area, but Luke was boxing behind a tight guard and landing good counters,” said Rutherford.

“The second round saw Luke look the quality kid we know he is as he stepped up a gear behind a tight guard and landing big right-hand counters.

“When Guruli tried to bully Luke with big right hand power shots Luke slipped and countered with cracking left hooks to head and body.

“With the first maybe tight, McCormack needed to make sure in the last and he really looked good again, countering with right hands and left hooks.

“When the Georgian tried to use his size on the inside Luke opened up to the body using his speed.”

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