The Chronicle

doctor’s notes...




A SHOCKING 90% of 11 to 18 year olds fail to eat the Government’s recommende­d five a day, a Government National Diet and Nutrition Survey reveals.

And the World Cancer Research Fund says this is cause for concern as a diet low in fruit and vegetables can raise the risk of lung, mouth, pharynx and larynx cancer in later years.

To help encourage Brits to eat more healthily, WCRF has launched a new website called Real Recipes including meals checked by qualified nutritioni­sts and backed by the charity’s cancer prevention evidence.

Sarah Toule, WRCF’s head of health informatio­n, says: “The younger these healthy habits are developed, the easier they are to maintain into adulthood.

Visit wcrf-uk. org/real



LIVER disease is Britain’s fifth biggest killer after heart disease, cancer, stroke and respirator­y illness. But a new study suggests few people know how to cut their risk or spot the signs they may have it.

Peter Harrison, of medical technology firm Siemens Healthinee­rs, which carried out the research, says: “The lack of awareness of liver disease causes and symptoms means people may be unaware they have the disease until it is too late.” Check facts about the disease on NHS Choices via


PEOPLE who speak two or more languages cope better with the symptoms of Alzheimers.

Previous studies found lifelong bilinguali­sm may even delay its onset. Now Italian researcher­s have discovered that, even if you do develop the disease, the ability to speak two languages can still provide the brain with more resilience to withstand damage from it.

Constantly switching between two languages appears to make the brain work harder, leading to structural changes.

 ??  ?? It’s vital to get kids to ditch the junk food
It’s vital to get kids to ditch the junk food

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