The Chronicle

Shame of rugby player snared by paedo hunters


- By SARA NICHOL @SaraNichol­10

Reporter A RUGBY player was caught by paedophile hunters as he tried to meet a 13-year-old girl at a hotel after chatting to her about sex.

Joe Snowdon thought he had been talking online to a schoolgirl called Amanda but was in fact messaging members of Dark Justice.

A court heard the 24-year-old started chatting to the “girl” on adult social networking site Skout, before moving on to private conversati­ons over Whatsapp.

He soon arranged to meet the teenager at the West Parade Hotel, in Newcastle, but was stopped in his tracks in the car park by police, who had already been informed by Dark Justice of his intentions, prosecutor­s said.

Snowdon, of Park Terrace, Swalwell, was arrested and claimed the online conversati­ons were “all fantasy” but later admitted attempting to incite a child to engage in sexual activity.

Rachel Masters, prosecutin­g at Newcastle Crown Court, said the online chats happened during the course of one day on December 3 last year.

Snowdon, who has never been in trouble before, starting messaging the “girl”, which was actually a fake profile set up by Dark Justice, on the social networking site before exchanging mobile numbers and continuing the conversati­on on Whatsapp.

The court was told it was immediatel­y made clear to him the girl was 13, despite her profile saying she was 18, and the chat started off as “friendly”.

Miss Masters said: “At his point, the defendant’s conversati­on started to turn to a sexual nature.

“He said ‘would you like to kiss me’ and the messages got more explicit.”

Miss Masters said he made suggestion­s of meeting up.

Within hours a meeting at the hotel was set up but, before he set off, Snowdon sent a message saying he was nervous and that he was “taking a big risk to meet up”, the prosecutor said.

Giving Snowdon a three-year community order, Judge Sarah Mallett said she accepted he was disgusted with himself.

The judge added: “You knew in your heart of hearts you ought to have stopped it even then, but you didn’t.

“You were arrested at the meeting place.”

Jamie Adams, mitigating, said Snowdon has been suspended from his rugby club and had missed out on the opportunit­y of two jobs after employers found out about his arrest.

He said: “There is no way he is going to be bringing this kind of experience into his life, or someone else’s life, again. “He has learned his lesson.” Snowdon must also sign the Sex Offenders’ Register for seven years.

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