The Chronicle

Gove has right idea on cruelty


tally was boosted by his numerous penalties and free kicks, Len, to my knowledge, never took a penalty for United.

I trust, in conclusion, our local sports pundits will give Len a more generous appraisal in future. He deserves no less. DEREK THOMPSON

Whickham I HAVE long complained about the inadequacy of sentences handed down for animal cruelty so I am delighted that Michael Gove plans to increase the maximum jail term to five years.

The current maximum of six months is woefully low and, with an automatic third off for a guilty plea, very few people are actually put behind bars for such offending. I hope that the proposals also include the imposition of far longer bans on animal ownership.

We are known as a country of animal lovers and this proposed change is very long overdue. JONATHAN ARNOTT, UKIP

North East MEP I’VE reached the time of life they call age, Like a picture book, a different story on every page. My glasses I need now to read the small print, Like Mrs Thatcher I’m developing a squint. I’m a little bit deaf of that there’s no doubt. So if you’re speaking to me remember to shout. My hair it was my crown and glory, I wore it in a plait. But now it’s getting thin on top, I have to wear my hat. My teeth used to sparkle so clean and so white, Now into the glass I drop them each night. My waterworks, they just don’t work right. Drink too much tea, I’ll be up through the night. I’ve got aches and pains inside and out. And in my foot I am starting with gout. My joints they have stiffened in my fingers and toes. When the weather turns cold I’ve a drip on my nose. My thyroid’s not working, so I’ve put on some weight. It’s affecting my nerves, I’m in a heck of a state. My chest tightens up I cough and I wheeze. I could have a cold, cos I’ve started to sneeze. My memory’s not what it was, just cannot win. When I’m wearing my coat, I think, were I going out, or have I just come in. I’m troubled with wind, it goes right round my back. Of indigestio­n tablets I’ve had my whack. At night my feet and my legs go into the cramp. I jump out of bed and on the floor I do stamp. My nose it blocks it’s my sinuses they say. It happens in the summer when they are cutting the hay. Gone are the days when I’d dance with style and ease, Now my ankles are swelling and so are my knees. The glamour’s all gone when I go to bed, I’ve socks on my feet and a hat on my head. I went to the doctor he looked with a frown, He said “If you were a dog I’d have you put down!”


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