The Chronicle



REFRESH your mind and enjoy something nice to eat – here are five food ideas proven to benefit brain cells.


GET MINTY: Studies have shown that peppermint oil has a positive effect on our beta waves, which are responsibl­e for our concentrat­ion and problem solving abilities.

Drinking peppermint tea, chewing peppermint gum or eating peppermint sweets are all ways to incorporat­e this essential oil into your diet.


MUNCH ON MARMITE: OK, only half of people will love this idea. But for those that don’t hate Marmite, scientists claim they have discovered evidence that the spread can boost a person’s brain power. Researcher­s at the University of York say the spread can alter the fine balance of electrical activity in the brain due to the high levels of vitamin B12 it contains.


OPT FOR COCONUT OIL: We’ve all heard about the benefits of olive oil, but it’s coconut oil that everyone is going, er, nuts for. Florida neonatolog­ist Dr Mary Newport has done studies she claims show a little over two tablespoon­s of coconut oil a day can help against brain degenerati­on, meaning you maintain your memory for longer.


GO MEDITERRAN­EAN: The Mediterran­ean diet has always been good for the waistline, but it’s also good for the brain.

A 2015 Chicago study suggested those who followed the diet, which is big on fish, fruits, vegetables and grains, had a 35% lower chance of cognitive impairment.


NON-FISHY WAYS TO GET OMEGA 3: Omega 3 fatty acids contained in oily fish such as mackerel, sardines, herring, trout or tuna, are extremely good for your brain. They help to insulate the brain’s nerve cells which improves their speed and effectiven­ess in recalling informatio­n.

But if you don’t like fish, there’s plenty of other alternativ­es including walnuts, soybeans, flax seeds and chia seeds.

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