The Chronicle

Dad rounds off 312-mile challenge for heart unit


- By HANNAH GRAHAM Reporter hannah.graham@trinitymir­ @HannahGrah­am21

A dad brought an incredible fundraisin­g journey to an end outside the doors of the hospital where it all began.

When doctors in the children’s heart unit at Newcastle’s Freeman Hospital saved little Seb Hollingswo­rth’s life at just 16 weeks old, dad Ivan vowed to help the medics which treated Seb – who was diagnosed with heart condition tetralogy of fallot hours after being born – however he could.

Over the last seven years, that has meant pushing his body to the limit to raise much-needed funds for the Children’s Heart Unit Fund (CHUF).

He’s run hundreds of miles, cycled and swum impressive distances, and, on one occasion, even skied 10km down a mountain wearing nothing but a mankini.

And on Sunday Ivan undertook his final, and most extreme, physical challenge. Starting in London, he cycled around 260 miles, before hopping off his bike running all the way back to Newcastle – a further 52 miles (that’s roughly two full marathons.)

Ivan knew before he began that his final challenge would be the toughest yet – but it proved even more gruelling than he was expecting.

Heavy winds through the night slowed his 260-mile bike ride, meaning the exhausted dad began the first of his two full marathons as the sun began to rise on Sunday, more than 20 hours after he started.

Finally arriving at the doors of Newcastle’s Freeman Hospital around 4pm on Sunday, after 32 hours of constant effort, he was met by an excited Seb, now eight, who ran straight into his dad’s arms – and they approached the finish line, right outside the heart unit, together.

Ivan said: “The running was better than the cycling – that was a long couple of days.

“That was so tough, it was tougher than I thought it would be, and I couldn’t have trained harder.”

As Ivan approached the finish line, another challengin­g target was in sight.

He’s raised hundreds of thousands for the life-saving unit over the years, but the dedicated dad wanted this final effort to push him as far as the half-a-million mark.

And he’s pretty much made it – at time of writing, the total he had raised stood at £496,068.

Finally stopping to hug wife Nadine, Seb and his daughter Imogen, Ivan said he was relieved the gruelling challenge was over – and that with £500,000 raised, his series of physical challenges for the unit are now at an end.

Thanks to the Hollingswo­rth family, families at the unit can now enjoy a bespoke playroom and garden, dedicated to Seb.

Chris Gray, chief executive of CHUF, the charity which supports the heart unit, said: “We’re all very, very emotional, this is the end of a very long journey for Ivan and his family and to raise half a million pounds is absolutely incredible.

“When he suggested this, we thought it was an incredible thing for someone to do, but you’ve got to know Ivan Hollingswo­rth – when Ivan puts his mind to do something, he’ll do it. The money he’s raised has made an incredible difference to this heart unit – we are indebted to the Hollingswo­rths.”

Donate at fundraisin­g/seb4chuf

 ??  ?? Ivan Hollingswo­rth is greeted by wife Nadine, and children Seb and Imogen, at the Freeman Hospital the end of his 312-mile challenge
Ivan Hollingswo­rth is greeted by wife Nadine, and children Seb and Imogen, at the Freeman Hospital the end of his 312-mile challenge
 ??  ?? Seb Hollingswo­rth playing in the new facilities at the Children’s Heart Unit at the Freeman Hospital back in 2014
Seb Hollingswo­rth playing in the new facilities at the Children’s Heart Unit at the Freeman Hospital back in 2014

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