The Chronicle

Plant shows he has still got it

Robert Plant tours his new album


ROBERT Plant set Newcastle crowds alight on Friday night, as he toured with new album Carry Fire.

For an almost-septuagena­rian (Plant is now 69), the former Led Zeppelin frontman was in spectacula­r voice and – crucially for an ageing rock god – managed to avoid any sense of being a past-it old rocker.

A lot of that is because he achieves a clever balance in his set between the old and the new.

Although he was at times a little coy about the band that probably won him the vast majority of the fans present – at one point referring to Led Zeppelin as “some chaps I used to know” – he nonetheles­s kept the crowd happy with a few of the legendary rock band’s numbers, putting as much energy and passion into these as his newer pieces.

That said, at no point did it feel like he was just paying homage to past glory. The older songs he chose were all those that fit well with the more folky sound he’s developed in his later years, and they gelled perfectly with the rest of the set.

His voice may no longer hit the ear-splitting screams of yesteryear, but a deeper, mellower tone suited the songs he chose and the way he played them.

The likes of Gallows Pole and That’s The Way went down well, while Plant’s newer work was complement­ed by a few well-chosen covers – a version of ‘House of Cards’ by Richard Thompson stood out.

As a solo performer, Plant has followed his own distinctiv­e path across a range of fields: country, bluegrass, soul and trance, and much of that journey was on show in this set.

Some of the eastern drum and guitar rhythms of the new album, Carry Fire, are reminiscen­t of some of his work with Jimmy Page, without feeling derivative – the title track of this new album proved one of the stand-out moments of the show.

Meanwhile, Plant’s band, The Sensationa­l Space Shifters, do much more than just fill in the backing track, bringing real personalit­y, as well as serious musical skill, to the stage.

Guitarist Justin Adams deserves a special mention for a number of excellent, energetic solos and work with a range of instrument­s.

Joining the band was folk artist Seth Lakeman, who opened ably, filling the large stage with just his voice and violin or guitar.

But it was with Plant and his Space Shifters that Lakeman really shone, adding joyful, foot-stomping fiddling to the line-up.

Chatting to the sold-out crowd between songs – the patter was brief, but good-natured – Plant reminisced about playing in Newcastle in 1969. Plenty will have changed since then, not least the average age of his audience.

But by the end of the night, that wasn’t at all obvious. After a rapturous encore, a crowd who began the night settled neatly in their seats were almost all on their feet. They danced and roared their approval for a performer who is clearly still in his element on stage, and who remains very much a rock star.

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