The Chronicle

A happy place for youngsters to achieve



What will you do with this year’s Wish money?

We would love some new computers and printers for members to carry out activities. Our young people are constantly using ICT in all ways - from designing pantomime costumes and posters to retrieving informatio­n. It would mean the world to them.

Tell us about your group.

Oxhill Youth Club was establishe­d in 1962. Our building is open every night of the week except Saturdays. It provides the youth of our community with a safe place to learn, socialise, play games and show their creativity. We have a strong Duke of Edinburgh section and around 150 members aged between eight and 19. This year we will perform our 51st pantomime in the local theatre.

What kind of activities take place at your group?

We have a wide range of activities that take place at our centre - from art and crafts through to drugs and alcohol awareness and lots in between.

Who is the longest serving member of your group?

Our youth leader started at the youth club at the age of eight and is now our leader in charge at the age of 34. She just could not leave.

Tell us about the biggest or best activity or event your group has organised.

This has to be our yearly pantomime with 40 members taking part over six performanc­es and playing to more than two thousand people.

What is your group’s proudest moment to date?

Being a successful youth club and reaching our 50 year anniversar­y when many more similar projects have closed around us. Why should someone join your group? We provide a safe and friendly place for young people to grow and achieve. What makes you proud to be from the North East using five words? Friendline­ss, compassion, determinat­ion, flexible, happy.

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