The Chronicle

Against all odds, Phil’s back in town

- Phil Collins plays at the Metro Radio Arena, Newcastle tomorrow.

Have you been looking forward to getting out to play live again?

I am looking forward to it. We did four weeks or so in the summer and we had a lot of fun and played some great shows. What is nice is that we are now going back to some of the cities that we haven’t played in a long time like Nottingham, Sheffield and of course, Newcastle. That side of it especially will be good fun.

Five years or so you announced retirement from touring. Did you ever think that you’d ever be doing this again?

Not really no. I think at the time that happened I needed to get away and do something else. I was brought up old school so when you went out on tour, you did it for months and now it can be done differentl­y. That’s made it a lot easier for me, so you can go out on tour for two or three weeks and come back and the kids are still the same age so it’s a lot easier to do now. I’d been on the road more or less constantly since 1970 and I had to educate people that I just didn’t want to do it anymore, which was really a knee-jerk reaction to say that I didn’t want do it like I used to do it.

Were those initial months and years quite a relief for you bearing in mind you’ve been on the road on and off since 1970?

It was good to have a few years off even though I got myself into trouble, but it meant that I could spend time at home with my family and just take it easy and do other things for a while.

When did you start getting that itch to play live again?

I’d been doing some charity shows in Miami and Switzerlan­d for the Foundation that me and my ex-wife set up called The Little Dreams Foundation. So I started getting the taste for performing again from that. I started to think that I should be doing this a bit more and my manager, who’s been managing me for 40 odd years, likes to see me doing something because he thinks it’s good for me.

When those initial shows were booked demand for tickets was phenomenal. How did you feel when you saw all of those Sold Out signs?

Obviously, there was a bit of nervousnes­s when I first decided to do it and I remember I was doing the Chris Evans Show and they’d gone to a commercial at 9am and when they came back all of the shows had sold out. That was wonderful. Then you start to worry in the way that you do, that I’d got to be good.

Initially you were just going to do a run of shows at the Royal Albert Hall but then shows were added around the country. It looks as though your nice steady residency has become a full-blown tour. Are you now thinking, what on earth have I let myself in for?

We always had the shows in London, Paris and in Germany and had those booked. The Dublin and Hyde Park shows were added a little later and the other dates were added on after that. It’s nice when it goes like that after playing a few shows and people want more. There was that time before the first show when you wonder if you’ll get through it and you do so you know what’s required.

On December 2 you’re up in Newcastle. You must have played there dozens of times over the years. You must have some great memories playing at venues like the City Hall?

Newcastle City Hall was always one of the sure-fire, great places that we did in those early Genesis days. We had many, many fond memories of playing those shows in Newcastle and that’s one of the nice things about this tour is that I’m playing places I haven’t played in a long, long time. It’s important for me to come and play to my fans as not everyone can get down to London or Manchester. The show is great, the band is fantastic, we all have a good time and we’re looking forward to playing up in Newcastle again after so many years.

You’ve billed the tour Not Dead Yet Live. Is that your way of joking about your own advancing age?

I originally used that for my book and the publisher hated it. I talked them round in the end and thought that it worked nicely so I adapted it for my tour.

You’ve got eight solo albums and a lot of hits to cram in. How are you going to decide on your setlist?

We did the shows in the summer so we’ve got the songs worked out. You start off with the songs you have to play that people want to hear. They you add those that you wished were on that list and then suddenly you’re up to a couple of hours. It’s not too difficult. We’ll mix things up a bit to keep it fresh for the band but we haven’t really been out that long for it to get tired yet. It’s going to be a greatest hits sort of show.

Do you have any space for any Genesis songs or will this be purely a show featuring your solo material?

Yes, I’ll be putting a couple of Genesis songs in there too. It’s always great to do a couple of songs by them. You’ll have to wait and see which ones though.

MICK BURGESS CHATS TO PHIL COLLINS AHEAD OF TOMORROW’S SHOW AT THE METRO RADIO ARENA IN NEWCASTLE We had many, many fond memories of playing those shows in Newcastle Phil Collins

What about your touring band? Who’ll be joining you on stage?

There’s Nick, my son, who is 16. He’s on drums. I’ve got Lee Sklar on bass, he’s played with everybody and he’s been with me since the mid 80s. We’ve also got Brad Cole on keyboards, Daryl Stuermer on guitar who played live with Genesis and also on guitar, one of my oldest friend Ronnie Caryl. I’ve got a Luis Conte on percussion, a horn section and four singers too. It’s a great bunch of guys to play with.

You must feel proud having your son in the band?

I am and he’s such a fantastic player. When you come to the show you’ll see he’s got a lot of authority and he sounds enough like me to fill all of the holes if you know what I mean.

A while ago you had back problems that prevented you playing the drums. Is this still a problem or will you be able to play a couple of songs on the drums?

I tried to play in rehearsal and it didn’t work. That’s why I have to sit down because of my back. It’s a mixture of different things and I won’t bore you with the medical details but I won’t be able to play the drums unfortunat­ely.

Not being able to play for so long must have been difficult to come to terms with? How did you deal with that?

I don’t mind really, I had been doing it for so long and feel that I’ve had my crack at it. It’s my time to move over and let the young one do it. I’m lucky that I have good insurance policies with two of my sons being really talented drummers.

Going back to the time you swapped the drum stool for the microphone, why did you decide to step forward and become lead singer in Genesis when Peter Gabriel left after The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway?

I didn’t decide, it was decided for me. We couldn’t find a suitable singer so if the band was to carry on it was easier for me to do the singing and dashing back to the drums whenever I could. We got in another drummer to play at the live shows and over the years we had Bill Bruford and Chester Thompson who would play while I was out front singing then I’d play at times and then we’d play with two of us together at times too.

It must have come of something of a culture shock. What was the biggest change for you?

What you said between songs became quite important. There was dead space when people were tuning guitars and Peter made a big thing of that part of the show so it was OK while the songs had started and I just had to sing, it was the time between the songs that was the hardest part for me. It got easier as time went on and the audience was encouragin­g me. It wasn’t so bad really.

After Steve Hackett left following Wind and Wuthering and Peter Gabriel long gone had you thought about going off and doing your own things or did you always have that intention to carry on?

We always assumed that we’d carry on. There were obviously moments where you’d get fed up and want to leave and that happens with any band. In terms of our situation, once we’d survived Peter leaving, Steve leaving was less of a hurdle. We just carried on until such time that life took us in very different directions. I went to live in Switzerlan­d and at that point it became a little more difficult.

When Peter had gone Genesis became more streamline­d musically going into the 80s. Was this a planned step or was it just a natural progressio­n for you as a musician?

It just happened really. We never thought too much about it. You grow and change. What you thought was wonderful five years ago doesn’t seem so wonderful now. We just changed naturally, it wasn’t planned like that. We very rarely gave it too much thought. We’d go in and write and whatever we wrote was whatever Genesis was at that time.

You had an incredible run of success as a three-piece. You must have done something right?

It didn’t mean that our fans would like it. Some of our fans that had been with us from the beginning had their own set of priorities and they’d want their particular boxes ticked but all you can do, is do what you do and be true to yourself and that’s what we always did. Some people wanted us to remain their secret but we wanted to move on. Some people liked it but others didn’t and that’s just the way it is.

Why did you feel the need to create music outside of Genesis when you started your solo career with Face Value?

I had a lot of time and went away to fix my marriage. Tony and Mike started their own records and when I came back they were only half way through, so I started to do my own album and that became Face Value.

What about 2018? What are your plans for next year?

I’ll probably do some more shows somewhere but nothing is booked yet. There are plans but nothing solid so we’ll have to wait and see but there will be more shows.

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