The Chronicle

‘I’m not sure what I’ve let myself in for but I’m excited



HE’S right at the heart of a gritty storyline in Emmerdale at the moment but there’ll soon be some light relief for Adam Thomas when he makes his pantomime debut right here in Newcastle.

As Adam Barton, Adam recently found himself arrested for the suspicious death of Dales resident Emma but now he’s busy learning a much light-hearted script as he gears up to play the title role in Jack and the Beanstalk which will entertain audiences in a specially constructe­d panto arena in the heart of Newcastle from December 11 – 30.

And the 29-year-old actor can’t wait to get started.

“I’ve never done anything this before, so while I’m not entirely sure what I’ve let myself in for, I’m really excited,” he told The Chronicle.

“Doing the panto is going to take me right out of my comfort zone. I’ve been doing Emmerdale for eight years now but this will be a completely different challenge.

“The biggest thing will not be able to do another take if something goes wrong – luckily I’m pretty decent at learning my lines so fingers crossed I’ll be OK.

“I know we’ve got loads of rehearsals planned so I’m hoping I’ll know the script like the back of my hand by opening night!”

Adam will star alongside someone he knows rather well in Jack & the Beanstalk, Geordie actress Denise Welch, who he shared the screen with on Waterloo Road, well over a decade ago now.

Denise is taking on the role of Mother Nature for the Centre for Life spectacle and Adam is looking forward to working with her again.

“She’s an absolute legend. She was like a mum to me back in the Waterloo Road days as I was only 15 at the time.

“She’s a great actress and she’s done panto before so I’m in very good hands and I’m sure we’ll have a lot of fun.”

The past 12 months have been a real whirlwind for Adam, as well as being at the centre of one of Emmerdale’s biggest storyline, he finished third on I’m A Celebrity and even found the time to get married to long time girlfriend Caroline Daly.

And now he’s ready to spend the festive season in the Toon, with a desire to try a North East delicacy.

“This past year has been crazy but I’d get wrong if I didn’t say the wedding was the highlight!

“I’m sure doing panto will be up there too. I love Newcastle, I’m sure it’s going to be a great place to be at Christmas and I’m hoping a few nights out are on the cards.

“I’ll most definitely be having a Greggs and I’ll have to have my first stottie! I don’t even know what they are!”

You can get tickets to see Jack & the Beanstalk online from the Times Square panto website.

 ??  ?? Denise Welch and Adam Thomas
Denise Welch and Adam Thomas

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