The Chronicle

‘You have taken away my’s all too much’


- By ROB KENNEDY @ChronicleC­ourt

Court Reporter A PERVERTED bus driver who subjected a young girl to a campaign of rapes has been jailed for 14 years.

Kristopher Potts repeatedly raped the girl from the age of 12 in sickening attacks that have left her traumatise­d.

She finally plucked up the courage to tell her mum what had been happening after he became violent during one rape and tightened his hand around her neck.

Now the 29-year-old, who worked for Stagecoach, has been jailed after admitting eleven counts of rape and one of sexual assault at Newcastle Crown Court.

The victim said in a statement read to the court and directed at Potts: “You have taken away some of my childhood and caused me horrendous flashbacks and panic attacks that scare me.

“I feel you have caused me everlastin­g harm mentally.

“I can’t handle my emotions, it’s all too much.

“Knowing I have kept other people safe from someone so disgusting and vile makes me feel a little bit better.”

The girl’s mother, who attended court to see her daughter’s abuser sentenced, read out her own heartrendi­ng victim statement.

She said: “My life was destroyed and at this moment I can’t see it ever recovering.

“(The girl) told me the things he had been inflicting on her for the last couple of years and this is something I cannot comprehend and I don’t think I ever will.”

Staring at Potts, who had his head bowed in the dock, the mum said: “I’m sickened at the thought of what you were doing, you have tarnished her childhood.

“I have to cope with her experienci­ng flashbacks and seeing the terror in her face, seeing her panic even though she knows you can never harm her again.”

She added: “I cry myself to sleep because I can’t bear to think about the horrendous physical assaults she has had inflicted on her.”

The court heard the girl confided in her school friend about the abuse she was suffering and she continuall­y tried to persuade her to tell her mum.

It was after Potts became violent during one of the rapes that she finally plucked up the courage to tearfully report what had been happening.

David Lamb, prosecutin­g, said: “He was violent towards her, he put his hand around her neck. “She said it felt horrible, she couldn’t breathe. He had a really tight hold of her neck.” Potts, of Station Road, Wallsend, pleaded guilty to eleven rapes and one sexual assault and was jailed for 14 years with an extended licence of an additional year. He must also sign the sex offenders register for life, was made subject to a sexual harm prevention order, was barred from working with children and was given a restrainin­g order. Brian Mark, defending, said: “He pleaded guilty which meant the victim did not have to go through the horror of having a trial. He understand­s the harm he has done, he accepts the harm he has done and admits it. “He has wrecked the life of a child and he accepts all of that.” Victim’s mother

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Kristopher Potts

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