The Chronicle

How to kiss goodbye to the festive fever

Glandular fever can cause horrible flu-like symptoms that last for months. SARAH BREWER explains how to spot and treat it


ARAGING sore throat and headache, soaring temperatur­e, and horrible tiredness you just can’t shake – if it’s not the self-inflicted ‘symptoms’ of a hangover, it may well be that you’ve caught glandular fever.

The highly infectious virus mostly affects teenagers and young adults and can leave you utterly exhausted and bedridden – and as is the cruel nature of life, it’s particular­ly rife during the festive period, when people lock lips under the mistletoe, as it’s passed from person to person through saliva (hence why it’s often referred to as the ‘kissing disease’).

Here, GP and Healthspan medical director, Dr Sarah Brewer, explains more about glandular fever and how to avoid it – and what to do if you are unlucky enough to catch it.


GLANDULAR fever is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). Once a person catches it, it’s generally thought that the virus remains in their system for life, though it usually does not cause further illness.

However, it can leave people very poorly for months – and it’s also linked with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME), which may sometimes, it’s believed, be triggered by the virus.

The main reason you feel terrible when you catch glandular fever is because your immune system goes into overdrive.

“Many of the worst symptoms are due to the body overreacti­ng to the infection and attempting to flush it out as fast as possible,” notes Dr Brewer.


YES, but that’s not the only way it’s spread. “UEBV is passed on in saliva, so it can also travel by coughing, splutterin­g, sneezing and by sharing toothbrush­es,” says Dr Brewer.

“Someone who has recently had glandular fever can remain infectious for months, but only half the people who catch the virus develop symptoms.”


ANYONE who has suffered with this nasty virus will tell you that it isn’t pleasant. Glandular fever mainly produces flu-like symptoms and can be quite severe, with aching, fatigue, a high temperatur­e, severe sore throat that isn’t getting better as quickly as you’d normally expect, and swollen glands, especially in the neck. Thankfully, for most people, the worst symptoms usually resolve within three weeks.

“The spleen and liver can also become enlarged and tender,” says Dr Brewer. If you develop difficulty breathing or swallowing fluids, or severe abdominal pain, she advises that you go to A&E or phone for an ambulance.


LIKE many illnesses, there is no cure for glandular fever, so you’ll have to wait out your painful throat with the old-fashioned combinatio­n of bed rest, fluids and painkiller­s.

“A short course of steroids are sometimes prescribed if tonsils are very swollen and affect breathing,” says Dr Brewer.

If you’re someone that’s always on-the-go, make sure you take things down a notch. “It’s important to take things easy for several months after glandular fever, to allow the immune system time to recover,” says Dr Brewer.

Children and teens will need some time off school, while adults should take some time off work to get a few days of undisturbe­d rest – and then gently ease yourself back into your normal schedule.

“During convalesce­nce, it is common to feel tired, depressed and lacking in energy for six months or more,” says Dr Brewer.

She recommends a magnesium supplement (Healthspan’s Magnesium, £9.45 for 90 tablets, also contains B vitamins), which may also help reduce fatigue.

If your appetite is reduced, take a multivitam­in and mineral supplement to help support your immune system while the worst of the symptoms pass.

“Avoid kissing and sharing utensils for at least two months after your symptoms begin,” advises Dr Brewer.

Be vigilant with your hand hygiene – frequent washing with anti-bacterial soap is important, especially after coughing or sneezing – and clean any areas in your house that you’ve been around, to avoid spreading the virus.

Finally, it might not be the news you want to hear just before Christmas, but going teetotal will also help the recovery process along.

 ??  ?? It’s important to take things easy for a while if you contract glandular fever
It’s important to take things easy for a while if you contract glandular fever
 ??  ?? A doctor may prescribe a short course of steroids
A doctor may prescribe a short course of steroids

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