The Chronicle

Joy and fury over opencast mine decision


- By HANNAH GRAHAM Reporter hannah.graham@trinitymir­ @HannahGrah­am21

PLANS for an opencast mine near a Northumber­land beauty spot have been turned down after Government interventi­on.

The proposals by The Banks Group for the mine at Highthorn near Widdringto­n, west of the beach at Druridge Bay, were given the green light by Northumber­land County Council in July 2016.

But the plans were ‘called in’ by the Government for a final decision last year.

The company argued the plans would bring skilled jobs and investment to the area, help ensure a domestic energy supply in the UK, and offer “environmen­tal, community, tourism, and economic benefits”.

But campaigner­s feared the mine would harm the nature and ecology of the area.

A decision was expected on March 3, but after a three-week delay Communitie­s Secretary Sajid Javid has published his decision to refuse the applicatio­n for the opencast mine, which would harvest coal, sandstone and fireclay.

He considered the environmen­tal impact of the plans and how they would hit the character and appearance of the area. The economic benefits and plans to boost biodiversi­ty were considered in favour of the scheme.

The report, released yesterday, said: “The negative impact on greenhouse gases and climate change receives very considerab­le adverse weight in the planning balance. He gives further slight weight to the harm to local amenity.”

Lynn Tate, one of the local campaigner­s against the mine, said: “It’s fantastic. We’ve been fighting this for five years, I feel quite emotional.

“There will be a mixed reaction locally, because there are so many ex-mining villages round here which do have families who wanted those jobs. But I think for the majority of people who come here, who come down like I do every day to walk along the beach and the dunes, it’s just fantastic.

“The wildlife would have been affected across the area.”

Berwick MP Anne-Marie Trevelyan, who has spoken against the plans in the past, said: “This is the right decision for the local community and reflects years of hard work to ensure that we protect our outstandin­g local environmen­t. Sajid Javid made clear in his decision that the developmen­t would affect the landscape and visual beauty of an area of substantia­l significan­ce. This was one of the key points that I have made, alongside the local community, throughout our opposition to this developmen­t.”

And Rose Dickinson, Friends of the Earth campaigner, said: “This is a significan­t victory for local residents and the climate, it means an important step

forward has been taken in ending the era of fossil fuels.

“This is the first coal mine ever to be rejected in the UK because of climate change impacts – a vindicatio­n for everyone who has been calling for fossil fuels to be left in the ground.”

Lynne Gargett, a spokeswoma­n for Save Druridge, said the group is delighted Mr Javid “has understood the immense impact” coal has had on climate change.

A Government spokespers­on said: “Communitie­s Secretary Sajid Javid has [...] refused planning permission for a surface mine for the extraction of coal at Highthorn, Druridge Bay, Northumber­land. He has considered all the evidence heard at the public inquiry, together with the recommenda­tion of the Planning Inspector. His decision took account of all material considerat­ions, including the potential environmen­tal impacts of the scheme.”

 ??  ?? The proposed mining site and right, Druridge Bay
The proposed mining site and right, Druridge Bay
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 ??  ?? A map of the mining area
A map of the mining area

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