The Chronicle

May buoyed by EU’s ‘co-operative spirit’


THERESA May has said Britain will enter negotiatio­ns on its future relationsh­ip with the EU in “a spirit of co-operation”, after leaders of the remaining 27 member states cleared the way for trade talks to begin.

The EU27 opened the door for trade negotiatio­ns by endorsing a deal on Britain’s 21-month transition to Brexit and approving guidelines designed to deliver a “balanced, ambitious and wide-ranging” free trade agreement with the UK.

The decision at the European Council summit in Brussels sets the scene for months of intensive talks on trade in goods and services, as well as Britain’s security relationsh­ip with the EU after withdrawal.

European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker said it took “less than half a minute” for the guidelines to be approved, in what he said was a demonstrat­ion of the “united front of the member states, the 27”.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that the decision allowed the “regrettabl­e” process of Brexit to proceed, adding that the EU27 “will not allow ourselves to be divided, but will maintain our unity through the trade talks”. Mrs May said she felt there was “a new dynamic” in the talks.

“I believe we are approachin­g this with a spirit of co-operation, a spirit of opportunit­y for the future as well, and we will now be sitting down and determinin­g those workable solutions,” she said.

Confirmati­on of the transition period stretching from Brexit day in March 2019 to the end of December 2020 will provide “certainty” for businesses and individual­s, said the Prime Minister.

But the negotiatin­g guidelines agreed in Mrs May’s absence in Brussels include elements certain to spark rancour in the months to come.

A reference to Gibraltar was added to the document at the last minute, in apparent deference to Spain, which has been offered a veto on the future of the British overseas territory by the EU. And the guidelines insist that EU negotiator­s should seek to maintain “existing reciprocal access” to fishing waters, which is likely to be fiercely resisted on the Conservati­ve backbenche­s.

The EU document also envisages “ambitious provisions on movement of natural persons, based on full reciprocit­y and nondiscrim­ination among member states”.

Chief EU negotiator Michel Barnier said yesterday marked a “decisive” moment in “this difficult, extraordin­ary negotiatio­n”.

He cautioned that the future partnershi­p negotiated over the coming months “must respect the principles and identity of the EU and the single market”.

Britain believes that moving on to trade talks with the EU will help unblock the logjam over the Irish border and prevent the need to implement a “backstop” solution proposed by Brussels which would keep Northern Ireland in the customs union.

Taioseach Leo Varadkar said that Ireland would seek “an agreement that keeps the UK as close to the EU as possible”.

He said: “That is the best way to avoid a hard border between Ireland and Northern Ireland and also the best way to protect the enormous trade that occurs between Britain and Ireland.”

 ??  ?? Theresa May in Brussels
Theresa May in Brussels

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