The Chronicle

Syrian rebels are brutal extremists


MY name is Rashida and I work on the popular TV show Don’t Tell The Bride. We are coming to the North East to meet and cast couples for the new series and there’s still time to apply.

Successful couples receive £13,000 for the wedding if the groom plans it all! Perhaps some of your readers in Newcastle are hoping to get married this year and this could be their chance! RASHIDA JOSIAH, Renegade

Pictures UK Ltd. Email: Rashida.Josiah@renegadepi­ AS is usual with western reporting from Syria, extreme Jihadist groups are ignored and those attacked by Assad are referred to as “rebel groups”, by implicatio­n fighting a just war.

The latest devastatin­g fight is A QUIET man, a thinking man, with wit so warm and dry. He could take you with a look, he didn’t even have to try. A listener, and a learned man, he’d more than hold his own. Bob stole the show so often, with the killer lines he’s thrown. A gentle man, a humble man, who’s presence filled the room. He had been around forever, Yet, he still went far too soon. A man’s man, such a friendly man, the statesman of our peers. A true part of the furniture, in Eastern Ghouta where it is suppressed that a number of extreme jihadist groups are “the rebels”.

The strongest is Jaysh al-Islam, or the Army of Islam, backed by Saudi Arabia that seeks to replace the Syrian government with an Islamic State. It engages in public executions and has paraded caged civilians from the minority Alawite sect in the streets as human shields.

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