The Chronicle

Pair in court for dog attack


- By SARA NICHOL Reporter @SaraNichol­10

A mum and son have appeared in court accused of having a dog that viciously mauled a woman in South Tyneside.

Nancy and Scott Sehman are suspected of being either the owner of or in charge of a Japanese Akita when it allegedly attacked the female in August last year.

The victim suffered life-threatenin­g injuries and required hospital treatment, a court was told.

Nancy, 52, of Julian Street, South Shields, and Scott, 32, officially of no fixed abode but who often stays at his mother’s address, appeared at North Tyneside Magistrate­s’ Court on Friday.

Both were charged with one count each of being the owner or person in charge of a dog that was dangerousl­y out of control causing injury.

The pair spoke only to tell the court their dates of birth, addresses and nationalit­y and to enter not guilty pleas.

The court was told the alleged attack happened inside Nancy Scott’s address on August 26 2017.

James Long, prosecutin­g, said that, because of the seriousnes­s of the injuries suffered by the victim, the case should be sent to Newcastle Crown Court.

He added: “They were significan­t injuries, originally life-threatenin­g, so the Crown would submit this case is appropriat­e for the crown court.”

Paul Kennedy, defending, made no representa­tions about where the case should be heard.

Declining jurisdicti­on, District Judge Kate Meek said: “My view is that this case should be tried at the crown court. In four weeks, you will attend the crown court on the Quayside.

“You will be bailed to be there – that means you have a duty to be there.”

Both Nancy and Scott were released on unconditio­nal bail to next appear at Newcastle Crown Court on May 11.

 ??  ?? Nancy and Scott Sehman outside North Tyneside
Nancy and Scott Sehman outside North Tyneside

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