The Chronicle

Man found with abuse images


- By SARA NICHOL Reporter @SaraNichol­10

A MAN was found with a vile collection of more than 3,000 indecent images of children when police searched his Northumber­land home.

Christophe­r Cooper had the photos and movies, some of which were of the most serious category A kind, on a computer and mobile phone at his house in Stocksfiel­d.

A court heard that specialist officers from Northumbri­a Police searched the 52-year-old’s address after concerns were raised that he was downloadin­g the sick pictures on August 9 last year.

Numerous electrical devices were seized and interrogat­ed and a total of 3,349 child abuse images and videos were discovered, prosecutor­s said.

Cooper, of Branch End Terrace, Stocksfiel­d, appeared at North Tyneside Magistrate­s’ Court to plead guilty to four counts of making indecent images of children.

Laura Croft, prosecutin­g, said officers who searched Cooper’s address seized a number of electrical devices, including memory cards, a computer tower and a mobile phone.

“The seized items were then interrogat­ed by police,” Miss Croft told magistrate­s.

“When examined, the mobile phone revealed 10 category C images and, on the computer, there was over 3,000 indecent images of children of all categories.

“The defendant enters guilty pleas and he made full admissions when he was interviewe­d by police by way of a prepared statement.”

The court heard that, in total, 2,559 category C, 335 category B and 455 category A photos and movies were found on Cooper’s computer and phone.

Ms Croft said that category A is the most serious kind and includes images involving penetrativ­e sexual activity.

The prosecutor added: “There are a large volume of images, including moving images, which is an aggravatin­g factor.

“The Crown would submit this is a case that should be sent to the crown court for sentence.”

Craig Hunn, mitigating, said full and “significan­t” mitigation would be made at the next hearing.

Magistrate­s released Cooper on unconditio­nal bail to next appear at Newcastle Crown Court on May 9 for sentence.

 ??  ?? Christophe­r Cooper leaves North Tyneside Magistrate­s’ Court
Christophe­r Cooper leaves North Tyneside Magistrate­s’ Court
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