The Chronicle

Remember, tests don’t define you


HEADTEACHE­R at Marden Bridge Middle School in Whitley Bay, John Newport sent out a letter to his pupils to settle their nerves ahead of SATs week. And besides telling the 10- and 11-year-olds to have fun at the weekend, he gave them advice every child and parent should read.

It said: “As a school, we couldn’t have asked you to work harder, you have put your mind and body into doing your best, your subject teachers have regularly reported this back to me. When you arrived at Marden Bridge we always said that your best would be what’s good enough... and it still is. Well done for doing your best up till now, you should be proud of yourself.

“Please remember, when you open your first test on Monday morning a test is all it is. It will not define who you are, you are worth more and are better than that. You are a strong, resilient member of our community and people will think highly of you because of this and not of how many questions you can answer. You can rest assured that because of the hard work you have put in you should feel confident with these tests. Please do not let them worry you. By Friday of next week they will be part of your life that’s already passed and you will embark upon another exciting stage of your life and we can’t wait to see you further develop.

“I have one more job for you. This weekend go out and have fun. Talk with your family members about something you would all like to do then go out and enjoy yourself, relax and remember all of the things that are important to you and that mean something in your life.

“If you want to revise do no more than 50 minutes each day. Enjoy the weekend, you have our very best wishes behind you.”

Last year Mr Newport sent out a letter listing things to do on the days leading up to SATs, including tasks such as “see friends”, “rest” and “spend time on your favourite hobby”. This year Mr Newport has gone one step further. He has taken on the help of older pupils to mentor the 11-year-olds.

He added: “This year each pupil had a Year 8 mentor, they have been teaching the pupils over a period of short morning sessions to help with their numeracy. It helps the pupils with subject knowledge but equally important it helps build strong positive relationsh­ips across year groups.

“Meeting new friends in this way helps the pupils to develop their self-confidence and inter-personal skills.

“It was really great to see this morning the Year 8 mentors hand over their personalis­ed letter to each pupil and the conversati­ons that took place.” He added: “Life is about balance, as long as you do your best no one requires any more.”

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