The Chronicle

Warnings over the dangers of ‘tombstonin­g’


- By Sophie Doughty @@Sophie_Doughty

Crime Reporter RESCUERS have once again warned of the dangers of so-called ‘tombstonin­g’ after a group of teens were spotted jumping from a pier at a Tyneside beach.

Members of Tynemouth Volunteer Life Brigade (TVLB) were called to Cullercoat­s Bay, in North Tyneside, after a number of people were spotted jumping from the south-side pier into shallow water.

A life-ring, which should have been situated on Tynemouth Longsands was also found floating in the bay.

The crew attended at just before 4.50pm and spoke to the group.

They refused to stop tombstonin­g and were then spoken to by officers from Northumbri­a Police.

Brigade members then returned the life-ring to its correct location,on the north end of Tynemouth Long Sands.

TVLB captain Peter Lilley said: “We’re not quite sure how the life-ring got to be there in the first place, the group we spoke to insisted it was already floating in the bay when they started to use it. Clearly though it has been moved by someone, which is a very irresponsi­ble thing to do given what its purpose is.

“We encourage all people not to tombstone or jump from the piers at Cullercoat­s – it is very easy to get it wrong and get into difficulty and today, with the tide on the way out, there was very little water for them to land in and they risked serious injury. The group insisted they were regulars and knew what they were doing, but we still asked them to stop – as did the police.

“Tombstonin­g looks like it should be a fun activity but isn’t due to the hidden dangers of not knowing what you are jumping into. By this we refer to objects, like rocks, that are in the water and also tidal currents which can quickly drag even the most competent of swimmers into difficulty. The water is also very cold and when you impact with it suddenly, such as jumping into it, this can cause cold water shock which quickly reduces your ability to stay afloat and regularly leads to people drowning.”

Mr Lilley said it was also essential that life-rings remain in their correct positions.

He added: “North Tyneside Council have provided multiple life-rings along the coastline to make the area as safe as possible. These were used to try and help save a man who was in difficulty at Cullercoat­s Bay earlier in the year, albeit Cullercoat­s RNLI rescued him. However, it is vital to have the life-rings available for emergencie­s and to see them being mis-used in the way we witnessed today is very disappoint­ing and complete nonsense given the fact those treating it like a toy were in a situation where they may have needed it for real.”

The incident comes just two weeks after members of the Cullercoat­s community came together to ask for help to deal with anti-social behaviour in the village and on the beach.

Locals say that as the hot weather hit the bay became a magnet for underage drinking, littering and anti-social behaviour.

There were reports of bottles being smashed off the pier, thefts along the seafront and shop staff being verbally abused and spat on.

Hundreds of people gathered at a rally on the beach after the ‘Enough is Enough’ campaign was launched.

Local business owner Simon Laing organised the event calling for the police to deploy more resources to the coast during hot weather.

Mr Laing, of Cullercoat­s Bike & Kayak, said: “This is everyone coming together and saying we’ve had enough.

“The community police on this stretch of coast are great but there’s only five of them. We need to put pressure on the police to do more.

“We’ve no problem with people visiting here and often all the interventi­on needs to be is a polite word before it kicks off.”

Cullercoat­s resident Steve Radcliffe said: “Something needs to change to address antisocial behaviour. We need help from the police because the public can’t do it by themselves, we can only report it.”

Another local resident, Sandra Oliver, added: “This has been happening for 30-odd years, we have exactly the same conversati­on and nothing ever changes.

“They’ve got to ban drinking on the beach and actually enforce it.”

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