The Chronicle

Woman flees hotel blaze


- By Sophie Doughty Crime Reporter @Sophie_Doughty

RUNNING for her life along a smoke-filled corridor, Kristina Proctor feared she would die in a holiday hotel blaze.

The mum-of-two was asleep in her room at Magaluf’s BH Mallorca when a blaze broke out on the floor below.

And yesterday after four Britons were arrested in connection with starting the fire, which is thought to have been a prank gone wrong, Kristina, from Newcastle, has told of her dramatic escape.

The 28-year-old said: “I thought that was it. I didn’t know how to get out. I thought the floor was going to fall through and I’d be killed. I was so scared.”

Kristina, was enjoying the last night of a girls’ holiday in the Majorcan party town when the drama unfolded.

The mum, who works as a shot girl, was having a nap in her third floor room when she was woken by a loud explosion, shortly before 7.30pm, on Sunday.

She awoke to find her hotel room filled with smoke and flames licking up the balcony.

“I was woken up by an explosion and my whole room was filled with black smoke,” she said. “And when I looked to the left there were flames coming up onto the balcony. I literally just ran.”

Wearing just a bikini Kristina, who lives in Gosforth, ran for her life.

And as the soles of her feet were burned by the searing hot floor she banged on doors to alert other guests while making her way to the fire escape.

“The floor was that hot it burned the bottom of my feet,” said Kristina. “I looked along the hallway and the fire exit looked so far away, but I just had to chance it and run. It was just sheer panic.

“There was no-one else around because by that time everyone else was out.”

Kristina sat on a sun lounger covered in soot for hours.

“I had no clothes or phone,” she said. “I was just sitting in a bikini. I was just desperate to get back home to my kids.

“I’m just glad I woke up when I did.”

After returning home on Monday Kristina said she went to hospital where she was diagnosed with laryngitis and oesophagus damage.

When the fire was raging, the mum, whose friend was asleep in another flat, said she was checked over by a Spanish ambulance crew who said her oxygen levels were low. Those accused of starting the blaze have been named locally as Brandon McCahill, 21 from Consett, James Brown, 21, also from Consett, along with Lauren Smith, 19; and Georgia James, also 19.

It has been reported that the fire started after someone tried to set fire to a sleeping pal’s feet using a lighter and an aerosol can.

Kristina added: “Everybody involved has been so lucky. I’m just happy to be home now.”

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 ??  ?? The fire-damaged hotel in Magaluf
The fire-damaged hotel in Magaluf
 ??  ?? The damage at the Majorca hotel
The damage at the Majorca hotel
 ??  ?? Kristina Proctor
Kristina Proctor

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