The Chronicle

Court hears alleged abuse


- By ROB KENNEDY Court Reporter @ChronicleC­ourt

ALLEGED victims of a football coach accused of a campaign of sexual abuse spanning 25 years have told a court what they say he did to them.

George Ormond is alleged to have abused 19 boys and young men while working at North East clubs and volunteeri­ng as a kit man and driver at Newcastle United.

The 62-year-old denies 36 charges of indecent assault, one of buggery and one of indecency and is standing trial at Newcastle Crown Court.

One complainan­t, now a middleaged man, told how he loved playing football as a youngster and joined a club where Ormond was involved.

He said there was a rule whereby players were not allowed to wear underpants under their shorts, and if anyone was caught breaching the rule they would be hit with a slipper by another man.

The man said Ormond would be “encouragin­g and compliment­ary” about his footballin­g skills but alleged a number of things happened in his company.

He said during a coach journey, Ormond touched him between the legs as he stood up, when he was 12 or 13, describing it as a “squeeze rather than a grab”.

The man told the court: “It felt odd. I thought ‘why did you do that?’ I suppose as a grown-up I would say I felt violated. As he stood up there was no sorry, it was as if it had not happened.”

The complainan­t said on another occasion Ormond came out of a shower with a towel in his hand but not covering himself up.

He said: “As a young boy I was shocked, I had never seen a man without clothes on and not so brazen.”

He said when an older lad came in the room, Ormond covered up with the towel straight away.

Another time, he alleged Ormond got in the showers when he was in and started carrying out a sex act on himself. He told the court: “I didn’t say anything. I wanted to get out. I washed the soap off and escaped, toot sweet.”

When he was a little older, the man said Ormond gave him a lift home and he pulled up outside his home. He said as he fumbled for his bag from the floor, Ormond moved as if to go for the bag and he noticed his penis was exposed.

He said: “I was dumfounded and horrified. I just wanted to pull the shutters down on my thoughts. I couldn’t tell anyone. I couldn’t work out whether he meant to reveal himself or not. He didn’t say anything.”

The man added: “I wanted to tell my mam but that was a non-starter.

“I couldn’t tell my dad, I couldn’t tell my mates.”

He told of another occasion when Ormond allegedly ended up giving him a lift home and his mum thanked Ormond and invited him in for a cup of tea.

“I was dismayed. I didn’t want him in the house,” he said.

He said his mum made them sandwiches and tea and went upstairs and alleged that from the kitchen, he could see in a mirror that Ormond was carrying out a sex act on himself in the living room.

“The thing that gave me a bad feeling was as I looked in the mirror it looked like George looked in the mirror and he was looking at me looking at him,” he said.

Years later, as an adult, having not seen him for a long time, the man said he was out in a Newcastle bar when Ormond walked in with a footballer.

He said: “I went to the bar. It was very crowded. I was walking back to our little area and George appeared in front of me and got hold of my genitals and had this look on his face that is etched.

“Very unerring, like ‘you know and I know.’ What he was thinking, I don’t know. I think it was a move to make me know I couldn’t say anything about what he had just done.”

Rebecca Trowler QC, for Ormond, put it to the witness that Ormond had not touched him sexually. He replied: “Yes he did. I’m describing what happened. The jury will decide what the motive was.”

The man denied he was motivated by the possibilit­y of compensati­on if Ormond is convicted or payment from the media.

Another alleged victim said he was told by Ormond and another man he was not allowed to wear underwear while at one football club.

He said: “There were checks. From time to time they would go and have a look to see if we were wearing underpants. They would pull the shorts out a bit from your waist. Both of them would do it.”

The complainan­t said one time when he was 12 or 13, he was knocked out in an accident and came round to find Ormond touching him, he alleged.

Asked why he had come forward in the current case, he said: “I felt it was my duty to say something after all these years.”

Ormond’s last known address was Westwood View, Newton Abbott, Devon, but we cannot publish his current address after trial judge Edward Bindloss rejected our applicatio­n for it to be provided to us in the way all defendants’ addresses usually are and should be. Ormond denies all the allegation­s. The trial continues.

 ??  ?? George Ormond, who is standing trial accused of sex offences
George Ormond, who is standing trial accused of sex offences

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