The Chronicle

Busking it for worthy causes

- By MIKE FULLER Video Reporter @mikefuller­91

CHARITY king David Stokes is nearing a landmark - raising £50,000 for worthy causes while fighting cancer.

Busker David Stokes, 76, from Bensham, Gateshead, with just his voice and a few backing tracks has been singing to shoppers and commuters for almost a decade.

Clad in a T-shirt with the words ‘Charity Busker’ on the front, he is fulfilling his wish to help others.

David says he has donated £46,000 given by passers-by to deserving causes.

He said: “I didn’t realise until I was about 60 that I could sing. I just love singing that’s why I do it.

“It gets me out of the house and at the same time I’m helping people. I wasn’t able to do that while I was working.

“I’m full of pride about getting close to £50,000. Wouldn’t you be?”

David, who suffers from prostate cancer but brushed it off as “under control”, aims to busk for three hours a day except on Sundays.

He can be spotted at Haymarket, Central and Monument Metro stations as well as Gateshead town centre and more recently Chesterle-Street.

Scottish-born David moved to the North East with his family in the 1970s and was a carer for his late mother and brother before he retired.

His mum Peggy Stokes was sceptical about the plan to start busking in 2008 as she insisted it was “begging”, so asked her son to give the money he made away and he agreed. David has kept that promise. Initially he played with a guitar, but this has given way to a tablet linked up to his speaker to play the backing tracks.

He takes £100 out each month to help with his expenses on top of his pension, but donates the rest.

The huge amount of cash the 76-year-old has raised has gone to the People’s Kitchen and the British Red Cross through his church St Mark’s in Gateshead.

Oxfam, Mind, St Oswald’s, Salvation Army, Changing Lives, People’s Kitchen, Gateshead Food- bank, Shelter, British Heart Foundation and Premier Christian Radio have also benefitted from David’s incredibly selfless fundraisin­g.

David is unfazed by those who laugh at him as they walk by and wants to carry on busking as long as he can.

He said: “Every time I make £50 I take it to one of the shops and I work my way around.

“You have good days and bad days. I usually make between £30 and £60 a day.

“At Christmas I managed to raise £600 in one week on Northumber­land Street. When they find out what I am doing it for, people are more generous.”

On David’s set list is Elvis Presley with the odd bit of Dean Martin.

He said: “I was definitely a fan of Elvis when he was alive. I’d have to say singing ‘It’s Now or Never’ is my favourite.”

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