The Chronicle

Concentrat­e on your diet, because the kitchen is the best gym ever



HERE’S something undeniably cheery about the Welsh accent, and ex-hurdler Colin Jackson adds to this with constant giggling.

But behind this sunny dispositio­n, it’s evident Colin has iron willpower. Other than natural talent, it was a whole lot of hard work that won him an Olympic silver medal and two golds in the World Championsh­ips during his athletics career. No biggie, but he still holds the world record for 60m indoor hurdles.

Now 51, Colin admits his training schedule isn’t quite as gruelling as it used to be. And fair enough, he’s no longer competing – but this doesn’t mean he’s let himself go – once an athlete, always an athlete.

We spoke to Colin about his training regime, the importance of exercise, and how he takes care of himself.

What is being a profession­al athlete actually like?

“BEING an athlete isn’t this glamorous life people always presume it is,” Colin explains. “Everyone sees you travelling the world and having a good time, but they don’t see the other side of it – the strict regime.”

To perform at the top level of any sport requires an inordinate amount of hard work, and for Colin it was no different. He won his first silver medal aged just 19 at the 1986 Commonweal­th Games, and went on to have a blistering career.

“You do physically beat yourself up,” he says of his younger years. “Every day when you get up something hurts and aches. It’s not something you do just to keep fit, you know that your opponents are taking themselves to extremes and you have to match that.”

Being a profession­al athlete can be tough at times. Has it been worth it?

“WHEN sport was my job, I didn’t see the benefits. But as I get older, I see that my body’s in much better nick than most other 50-plus year-olds.”

What does still being active mean for you?

“I CAN still touch my toes, which means I can still go snowboardi­ng, skiing or play hours of tennis if I want to.

“Being fit and healthy has extended my opportunit­ies.”

What do you do to stay in shape?

“I WOULDN’T want to train to those extreme levels again!” he says with a laugh. “But I do a lot of circuits and gym work. I still go out on my bike and other forms of activity as well – it’s a lot more fun now I don’t have the pressure of competing.

“It’s also given me chance to experiment with things I would never have done before, such as a weekly yoga class.

“I live in Wales with such an incredible coastline, so I can do all sorts of outdoor activities like paddleboar­ding.”

Why is fitness so important?

“IT produces positive endorphins in your body and your mind, and you get a real sense of achievemen­t. That’s why sport plays a really important role in mental health.”

As someone whose career has been based around competing against others, how have you managed to maintain a healthy mindset?

“LOTS of the time in our everyday lives we’re comparing ourselves to other people, and that can have a really negative effect.

“But if you’re active in sport and you achieve the things you personally set out to, it makes you feel genuinely better.”

How important is food for you?

“AS an athlete, you’re always thinking about food. You’re permanentl­y on a diet, and diet is still very much a part of life for me.” The ‘gym bunnies’ often say a six-pack is made in the kitchen. How true is that?

“IT’S very true – it’s much easier to get a six-pack by dieting than it is by exercise.

“Life is about a choice, and you decide how you choose. Concentrat­e on your diet, because the kitchen is the best gym ever.”

Colin Jackson hosted the Qube Awards, a ceremony hosted by leading training provider, Qube Learning, to celebrate the merits of apprentice­s, trainees and the employers who work with them.

Everyone sees you travelling the world and having a good time, but they don’t see the other side of it – the strict regime

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 ??  ?? Olympic hurdler Colin Jackson may not be competing these days, but he still knows the importance of keeping fit
Olympic hurdler Colin Jackson may not be competing these days, but he still knows the importance of keeping fit

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