The Chronicle


Trail of blood left along a suburban street

- By SEAN SEDDON Reporter

NEIGHBOURS have spoken of their shock after an alleged murder victim was found in a Gateshead home.

Police are investigat­ing the death of a man, believed to be in his early 20s, after his body was found at an address in Mayfair Gardens in Deckham.

Two men, aged 20 and 21, have been arrested on suspicion of murder and remain in custody.

Horrified eyewitness­es revealed how police swooped on their street and erected a forensic tent outside the house.

Officers forced entry into the home and discovered a body at around 2.30pm on Wednesday, and police believe he was stabbed.

Forensics and specialist officers remained in the area yesterday searching gardens, gutters and drains for clues, while detectives have been carrying out door-todoor enquiries.

One neighbour said: “He’s only lived here a few weeks, I never got the chance to speak to him properly.

“It seemed quiet the night before he was found. It didn’t sound like he had a lot of people round or anything like that.

“All I can say is that he was a lovely lad, never any bother, always gave you a big smile.

“He seemed really happy here because he’s been redecorati­ng that house for two months and he seemed like he was very comfortabl­e there.”

Another resident said he saw the victim returning home with friends late on Tuesday night.

He said: “I was coming home at about 11.45pm and saw the lad who lives there with two other men who I’d seen him with before.

“One of them was stumbling around and I heard a bit of noise coming from the house at about half past midnight but nothing that made me think something was going on.

“We only realised what happened when the police arrived.” Another neighbour said the man, who has not yet been named by police, had been living in his property for around three weeks. “We heard a bit of shouting and balling on Tuesday night but took no notice of it because there were other parties and stuff going on in the street,” he added. Northumbri­a Police said it is believed that those involved are known to each other and there is no threat to the wider public. A force spokesman said: “Police are investigat­ing after a report of a death in Gateshead. At about 2.30pm on Wednesday, police received a report of a potential stabbing. “Enquiries led officers to an address on Mayfair Gardens in Gateshead where officers found the body of a man. “An investigat­ion has been launched to establish the circumstan­ces around the man’s death but at this stage it is being treated as suspicious. “His family have been informed and they are receiving support from specially-trained officers at this difficult time. “Two men aged 20 and 21 have been arrested in connection with the incident and remain in police custody. “Police are in the area of Mayfair Gardens to carry out enquiries and a cordon is in place at the address. “Detectives are keen to hear from anyone who saw anything suspicious at the address since Tuesday evening.” Anyone with informatio­n is asked to call Northumbri­a Police on 101 quoting log 621 or, alternativ­ely, get in touch with Crimestopp­ers, anonymousl­y, on 0800 555 111.

He’s only lived here a few weeks, I never got the chance to speak to him properly Neighbour

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 ??  ?? Police forensics officers arrive at the house on Mayfair Gardens, Gateshead
Police forensics officers arrive at the house on Mayfair Gardens, Gateshead

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