The Chronicle

Champion Cross still a driving force at 84


ANYONE doubting true golfers never stop searching for perfection should look no further than South Moor’s John Cross - who has won two competitio­ns and had five strokes knocked off his handicap at the age of almost 85.

Since he last tasted victory 14 years ago at the County Durham heathland course, Cross has had a new hip and a brush with serious illness which could have killed him.

So it was the source of great pride for the great-grandfathe­r from Ushaw Moor, Durham, to win the Alan Scott Cup with 44 Stableford points.

Not content with that, he followed up with victory in the Chairman’s Flag competitio­n – triumphing by three shots.

The two victories saw Cross’ handicap reduced from 35 to 30 much to his delight.

It followed a decision by the golf authoritie­s to allow the maximum handicap for men to increase from 28 - keeping older players competitiv­e and on the course.

Cross, a former coal miner who became a personnel director, said: “A lot of older players were leaving the game, this change allowed us to compete again. It is fantastic.

“I was so chuffed to win the Alan Scott Cup, I cannot describe the feeling when I found out. I had 44 points in the Stableford.

“It was one of those days where everything went right. It was a fantastic feeling.”

Cross, who has been chairman of South Moor’s senior section for 15 years, took up the game late in his 50s and was an active footballer until he was 63.

In the winter he plays indoor bowls and golfs with a buggy in summer.

He had a brush with serious illness in 2013 when he was diagnosed with Guillain-Barre syndrome, an auto-immune disorder which can kill.

He said: “My antibodies started attacking my body.

“Fortunatel­y for me I was sent to the Royal Victoria Infirmary which specialise­s in Guillain-Barre syndrome.

“At one point they said I had a 20% chance of pulling through.

“It was terrifying and it can take a few years to get fully mobile again.

“I worked very hard on my recovery programme.”

The following year he had a hip replacemen­t and as his golf game suffered his handicap, which had been as low as 16, crept up.

Something, though, changed after this season’s winter lay-off, leading to his first competitio­n successes since 2004.

He said: “I never play in the winter so after my six-month lay-off from golf I started again in spring and somehow I just had this extra strength and I have been playing pretty good golf. I really love the game.”

 ??  ?? South Moor senior section chairman John Cross who has won his first competitio­n since 2004 - at the age of almost 85
South Moor senior section chairman John Cross who has won his first competitio­n since 2004 - at the age of almost 85

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