The Chronicle

We should unite to deliver Brexit


I WOULD like to remind Keir Starmer and his fellow Labour MPs what democracy really means, as they have obviously forgotten.

Democracy means to uphold the wishes of the majority of voters. In this case I refer to the referendum held on June 23, 2016. when 17.4 million people voted to leave the European Union, “which in fact we never legally joined in the first place”.

Some 16 million people voted to remain. One does not need to be a brilliant mathematic­ian to work that one out.

Now Labour are calling for a second referendum hoping for a remain win. If that happens can the leave supporters then call for another referendum? And so it goes on and on.

All political parties should pull together and support the elected government to achieve a smooth exit from the EU which will benefit not only

Britain but the EU as well.

Every time the opposition parties fire insults at the Prime Minister it gives more strength to the bully boys in Brussels and makes her negotiatin­g position more difficult.

We need one united voice from our politician­s, not cry baby antics and throwing toys out of the cot.

The Labour Party are putting party before country and are acting like spoiled brats who can’t get their own way.

If more proof is needed then here it is, Labour MP Laura Smith calling for a general strike which, back in the 60s and 70s, resulted in the almost total destructio­n of British industry and thousands of lost jobs.

She is obviously too young to remember the impact it had on our economy and how Labour was thrashed at the 1979 General Election by Margaret Thatcher, who thankfully saved Britain from total bankruptcy.

Labour and the trade union leaders no longer speak for the working class, but for their own selfish positions of power.


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