The Chronicle

Nurse jailed following police sting


A TRUSTED mental health nurse has been jailed after he was caught in a police sting trying to meet a 14-year-old girl for sex.

Steven Green attempted to arrange a “secret meeting” with what he thought was a schoolgirl but was in fact an undercover police officer in an internet chat room.

A court heard the 52-year-old mental health crisis team worker engaged in explicit chat and a judge branded him a “would-be predator”.

Now Green, who admitted inciting a child to engage in sexual activity and attempting to meet a child following grooming, has been locked up for 12 months.

Recorder Jamie Hill QC, at Newcastle Crown Court, said he accepted Green had “numerous stresses” with his work and home life when he committed the offences but said the jail term could not be suspended due to the “speed and determinat­ion” he had moved the conversati­on forward.

As well as the prison sentence, he must sign the sex offenders register for 10 years and will be subject to a sexual harm prevention order for the same period.

Alec Burns. defending, said Green, of Roker Terrace, Sunderland, has lost his marriage, job and family home as a result of what he did and has sought profession­al help himself.

Mr Burns added: “He has already lost a great deal.”

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