The Chronicle

No smoke without fire as highway Starr and Co return



IT’S Charlie Starr’s dream to work alongside AC/DC’s Brian Johnson. But the Blackberry Smoke singer isn’t interested in penning a duet with the genial Geordie frontman. And jamming with Johnson isn’t really the aim.

No, Starr is clinging to the hope that one day soon he’ll get the call to pack away his guitar and contribute to cult cable show Cars That Rock – hosted by the man who made flat caps and vests a world-famous fashion statement.

“In the late 90s I was working in an auto body repair shop and I really enjoyed it,” said the face of Atlanta’s fastestris­ing Southern rock exports. “I learned it from my dad who did the same job all of his adult life. It’s dirty work but I really liked it – and still like it now.

“I have a shop that’s lying empty and one day – when I’m retired from music and I’ve got some time on my hands – I’ll fill it with a couple of ‘project’ cars. I see myself as a Jeff Beck-type character!

“Maybe Brian will get me on his show. I’ve had a couple of old cars in my life and I love fiddling around under the hood. I’m sure we’d have a blast! But I’d be relying on him to find the really fast cars. When it comes to spending money I tend to gravitate towards guitars, rather than cars. And guitars can be pretty expensive.” Eighteen years into the Blackberry Smoke journey and Starr still hasn’t reached the point where money is no object. Guitars are expensive and there’s no guarantee that they’ll pay their way. But it’s beginning to look like that could be the case. Three UK top-20 albums on the bounce have raised Starr’s spirits, just as much as his profile. There’s a fresh energy underpinni­ng a band heading to Newcastle Academy next month. And 2018’s evocative Find A Light proved Blackberry Smoke’s Starr is shining brighter than ever.

“There was a period where nobody would touch us and we weren’t able to release a record for five years – that was tough,” added the diminutive singer with powerful pipes. “But we’re lucky that we’ve found people on both sides of the Atlantic who encourage the creativity to pour out.

“We learned first-hand that being stifled by the music business can be a reality. It can clog you up as an artist and a band, and that’s why we’re so grateful to find ourselves in the position we’re in right now.

“I don’t think we’ve reached a point

Maybe Brian will get me on his show – I’ve had a couple of old cars in my life. I’m sure we’d have a blast! Charlie Starr

yet where we’re stymied. We’ve never asked each other ‘what are we going to do now?.’ In fact, it feels as if we’ve enjoyed the most creative period of our careers in the last five or six years.”

That six-year period started with 2012’s The Whippoorwi­ll – Blackberry Smoke’s third album but the first to benefit from a major label release. It was the record that broke the band in Britain and the album that laid the foundation for the career-defining Find A Light.

“I think there is a sense of optimism reflected in that title,” added Starr. “There are many things happening right now that make the world a dark and scary place. It’s just a tense time. We have our own political problems in the States and the same kind of stuff is happening all over the world.

“It feels like we’re teetering on the brink of something negative. We all have children now and I think a lot about their future and their prospects. I’ve never seen anything like the current political climate in my lifetime and it can be a bit scary.

“The only thing that can change that sense of fear is people. If those people can shine their light on the world then it can become a better place.”

Anyone who’s ever had the pleasure of attending a Blackberry Smoke live show will testify to an atmosphere of wild optimism – when Starr and Co. hit their stride there is no better place to be.

Find A Light’s many highlights are certain to force their way into an increasing­ly congested setlist, and the band is justifiabl­y proud of a stirring masterwork.

“I’m really pleased with the new album,” added Starr. “From cover to cover I think it could be our most inspired record yet. I love all of the songs but what I love most is the depth and the variety.

“Everyone’s playing was top notch during the recording process – it was a really fluid situation. I look back on that time very fondly. It can be tough when you’ve been together for so many years and you’re in the studio working.

“Don’t get me wrong – it’s not always fun. But everything about Find A Light felt so easy. It was a really positive experience and when I listen back to the record now it still takes me back to that time.”

Blackberry Smoke play Newcastle O2 Academy on November 2.

 ??  ?? Blackberry Smoke at the O2 Academy in Newcastle last year PICTURE: MICK BURGESS
Blackberry Smoke at the O2 Academy in Newcastle last year PICTURE: MICK BURGESS
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