The Chronicle

General Knowledge Quiz


1. What sort of creature is a Sealyham?

A A fish

B A bird

C A dog

D A pig

2. Which English poet wrote In Memoriam and The Idylls of the King?

A George Lord Byron

B Percy Bysshe Shelley

C Alfred Lord Tennyson

D Mathew Arnold

3. What was the name of Sony’s first games console?

A Gamestatio­n

B Genesis

C Super Station

D Playstatio­n

4. What is the name for a Japanese woman whose profession is to entertain men? A Sumo

B Hokito

C Samurai

D Geisha

5. Who played Donna in the sitcom My Wonderful Life?

A Rachel Bray

B Emma Wray

C Karen Cray

D Irene May

6. Which 1985 film starred Glenn Close as the lawyer hired to defend Jeff Bridges’ character in a case regarding the murder of his wife?

A Jagged Edge

B Ragged Verge

C Haggard End

D Cragged Fringe

7. What hard dark wood is traditiona­lly used for the black keys on a piano?

A Mahogany

B Ebony

C Cedar

D Ivory

8. What was the nickname of Jazz trumpeteer Louis Armstrong?

A Groutcho

B Satchmo

C Flashmo

D Sasher

9. Which Italian town, at the foot of a hill containing a Benedictin­e monastery, was destroyed during heavy fighting in 1944?

A Brescia

B Verona

C Genoa

D Cassino 10. Of which African country is Kigali the capital?

A Kenya

B Libya

C Rwanda

D Morocco

11. Which US rock star released a solo album entitled Destinatio­n Anywhere?

A Bruce Springstee­n

B Jon Bon Jovi

C Steven Tyler

D Axl Rose

12. Which precious metal has the chemical symbol Au?

A Platinum

B Gold

C Silver

D Adamite

13. How is deoxyribon­ucleic acid commonly known?


B Nitric Acid

C Dettol

D Petrol

14. Bladerunne­r and Hitcher star Rutger Hauer is from which European country?

A Norway

B Holland

C France

D Germany

15. Naturalist and artist John James Audubon was famous for his paintings of which creatures? A Birds

B Horses

C Cats

D Dogs

 ??  ?? Jeff Bridges See Question 6.
Jeff Bridges See Question 6.

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