The Chronicle

Busting cold and flu myths

The jab will just give you flu – and going out with wet hair guarantees you’ll get a cold, so you’d better open a can of chicken soup… MICHELE O’CONNOR talks to the experts to sort out fact from fiction


NE in five of us fears having the flu jab will make us catch influenza, a new poll reveals.

One in 10 think going outside in the cold, especially with wet hair, can make you more vulnerable to a chill.

And 16% of the 2,000 adults quizzed reckon colds and flu can be “cured” – by chicken soup.

Today we explore the common myths around these seasonal setbacks and sort out what’s not to be sniffed at from fake achoos news: THE FLU JAB GIVES YOU INFLUENZA FALSE “IT’S worrying so many people still believe this,” says Jane Cavendish of Well Pharmacy, the largest independen­t NHS-approved chemist in Britain, which carried out the poll.

“The injected flu vaccine given to adults contains inactivate­d flu viruses, so it definitely cannot give you flu.

“It’s the only way to prevent it,” adds the pharmacist. “Even if you are not high risk, you’re likely to come into contact with someone who is – and it may have serious health consequenc­es for them. So, I would urge everyone to get the flu jab every year.” YOU CAN ONLY CATCH A COLD THROUGH COUGHS AND SNEEZES FALSE FAMILY GP and author Dr Roger Henderson says: “You’re more likely to catch a cold by touching a door handle, tea towel, or a handrail on the bus that’s been contaminat­ed by the virus, than you are by someone sneezing on you.

“Shaking hands also passes on germs,” adds the ambassador for decongesta­nt, Olbas oil.

“Once your fingers have been contaminat­ed and you rub your eyes or nose, the virus can invade your body. But with flu, people can become ill if they breathe in droplets containing the virus that have been sneezed or coughed into the air.” GREEN MUCUS MEANS A CHEST INFECTION NOT QUITE “GREEN mucus is a sign that your body’s immune system is at work,” explains GP Ross Perry.

“The colour comes from a type of infection-fighting white blood cell. With colds or flu, mucus starts clear, then begins to darken as it gets thicker.

“Coughing up mucus that is clear, yellow or even green can be a normal part of a viral cough.”

Dr Henderson agrees: “You will only be prescribed antibiotic­s if the cold turns into a secondary infection such as bronchitis or pneumonia, or you are at risk of other complicati­ons developing such as fluid building up in the lungs.

“If you have symptoms lasting more than seven to 10 days, fever and shortness of breath or excessive coloured mucus, then seek a medical opinion.” OLDER PEOPLE GET MORE COLDS FALSE “THE opposite is usually true,” says Dr Perry. “Children get three times as many colds as adults – and over-50s catch only half as many as teenagers. It’s because they will have been exposed to more colds in their lifetime so have more antibodies to common cold viruses than younger people.” CHICKEN SOUP CAN CURE A COLD NOT QUITE DR PERRY says: “It won’t actually cure a cold but has been known to help alleviate symptoms. In fact, any hot drink will help because the heat dilates blood vessels, which increases blood flow and allows the mucus to flush everything out, thus helping with congestion. There’s also the hydrating factor of drinking soup which is important when ill.” GOING OUT WITH WET HAIR IS A COLD RISK FALSE THIS myth arose because people thought the body’s heat escaped through the head, explains Dr Perry. “In fact, you lose just as much, if not more heat, through a bare arm or leg as through your head.”

But it is thought that being cold can leave you more vulnerable to illness, adds Dr Henderson: “When we shiver, our whole body becomes quite stressed, which depresses the immune system.” FLYING WILL INCREASE YOUR RISK OF CATCHING A COLD OR FLU TRUE DR PERRY says: “Studies have shown more than one in five people on planes suffer from a cold or the flu after the flight.

“Some of the 200 or so viruses that can cause a common cold can infect people up to 18 hours after they have left the body. And flu viruses can infect people for up to eight hours after being let loose.

“Germs are commonplac­e on planes, with bacteria and viruses lurking on seats, magazines, armrests, toilet cubicles and hovering in the air. So you certainly risk infection on a flight.” YOU CAN’T CATCH THE SAME COLD TWICE TRUE “THERE are around 200 cold viruses, and, on average, we catch a couple each winter,” says Dr Henderson. “However, once the cold ends, your body has built up immunity which will protect you from catching the same virus again.” VITAMIN C STOPS A COLD NOT QUITE A REVIEW of placebo-controlled trials using at least 200mg/day vitamin C found it “did not significan­tly reduce the risk of developing a cold in the general population”, says GP David Edwards.

“However, trials in skiers, marathon runners and soldiers exposed to extreme physical exercise and/or cold environmen­ts who took vitamin C (250mg to one gram a day) as a preventati­ve measure had a 50% reduction in colds,” he added.

“In the general population, 8% of adults and 14% of children had a reduction of cold duration. Once symptoms started, vitamin C had no impact.” ECHINACEA CAN HELP TRUE “THE herb has a broad antiviral effect against cold viruses as well as the newly emerging respirator­y viruses,” says Dr Edwards. “It has also been shown to help prevent initial infections and pneumonia and bronchitis, particular­ly in those individual­s with stress, or who have reduced immunity such as smokers.

“Just make sure any echinacea product you use is properly regulated and quality controlled by having a THR (Traditiona­l Herbal Registrati­on) number and logo on the pack.”

■ Try Echinaforc­e Hot Drink, £10.99, YOU SHOULD FEED A COLD AND STARVE A FEVER FALSE “EATING fewer calories can actually make fighting off infection much harder,” says Dr Perry. “Nutritious hot drinks and soups – if you can’t face solids – are vital.” IT CAN BE TOO LATE TO GET THE FLU VACCINE FALSE DR Perry says: “Although the flu vaccine is normally offered from September until mid November to give the body a chance to build up immunity, it’s better to be protected later rather than not at all.” A HOT TODDY WILL HELP EASE A COLD FALSE ALCOHOL suppresses the immune system, leaving you potentiall­y more prone to viral infections. ‘MAN FLU’ DOESN’T EXIST TRUE THE term was created because medical research suggests that men take longer to recover from colds and flu, and suffer more side effects than women. I’VE HAD FLU, SO DON’T NEED THE JAB FALSE THERE are various strains of flu around and, even if you have had flu, it is worth having the jab to prevent another bout of the illness hitting your immune system. IT’S SAFE TO KISS SOMEONE WITH A COLD TRUE IT is very hard to catch a cold by exchanging saliva as the virus travels in mucus from the respirator­y system.

 ??  ?? Men do suffer longer and have more side effects than women when they get a cold or flu – but there is no such thing as ‘man
Men do suffer longer and have more side effects than women when they get a cold or flu – but there is no such thing as ‘man
 ??  ??
 ??  ??

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