The Chronicle



1. Who played Lewis Archer in Coronation Street?

2. Which TV comedy foursome were reunited for a TV special on New Year’s Day?

3. A woman married her husband on their first date after meeting on which website?

4. Babies and which primate are ‘more logical than adult humans’, according to scientists?

5. University Challenge was accused of dumbing down over questions on which TV reality show?

6. Which rocker has recorded a single for Nasa’s new space mission?

7. Which Absolutely Fabulous cast member died on December 28?

8. Which football manager’s New Year’s dancing saw him compared to The Office’s David Brent?

9. Dominic West plays which character in the new BBC adaptation of Les Miserables?

10. The price of what increased by an average of 3.1% on Wednesday? 11. Which high street retailer said it had seen an 11% boost to sales over Christmas?

12. The Uffizi gallery in Florence is demanding back paintings stolen by whom?

13. Which ex-Formula 1 driver who survived a horrific ski accident turned 50 on Thursday?

14. Female West End audiences are complainin­g about a shortage of what?

15. Which airline is to honour a huge accidental price cut that saw tickets slashed from $16,000 to $6,750?

16. Which country is undertakin­g a mission to land a robotic probe on the Moon?

17. Jair Balsaro has just taken office as president of which country?

18. Who had to cut short his holiday over migrants illegally entering the UK?

19. New EU rules on what could have a grave impact on UK economy, according to a Lords committee?

20. The Madagascar Porchard is the world’s rarest what?

21. Children have had too much of what by the time they are 10, according to scientists?

22. Ray Sawyer, who died on New Year’s Eve, was a member of which band?

23. Which singer suffered a stroke while performing in panto in Birmingham over Christmas?

24. Which DJ had to cancel a planned balloon drop in the Philippine­s after protests?

25. What is the name of the US Ambassador to the UK?

26. Which country has been found to have the most languages?

27. Jon Voight plays which character in US crime drama Ray Donovan? 28. Kakeibo is a Japanese what? 29. Which acclaimed Israeli author and peace advocate died on December 28?

30. Whose manager scotched recent rumours she was at ‘death’s door’?

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