The Chronicle




Channel 4, 8pm

YOU’VE probably seen reports of people overseas (especially in the States) having to crowdfund to cover the costs of medical bills and thought ‘how lucky are we that we don’t have to do that here’.

While it’s true that our National Health Service is a marvellous – almost miraculous – thing, there are still some cases where it cannot help.

The children featured in this series are not able to get the specialise­d treatment they need on the NHS, so their desperate parents have made it their mission to do whatever they can to raise the money needed – even risking the family home or business.

Smiley six-year-old Pranav has cerebral palsy, and his parents have found a pioneering surgeon in America who could help his dream of walking: if they can raise £100,000.

We also meet 15-year-old Mia, from Northern Ireland, who needs £32,000 to fund a cutting-edge operation in Turkey to cure her scoliosis.


BBC1, 9pm

THIS week’s episode is ‘Her Rival’ and so a chance to find out more about the mysterious Marsha (Nikki Amuka-Bird): the woman who used to be Julia’s best friend, until she ran off with her husband Ted.

As we see each of them struggle to be around the other, you wonder which betrayal hit Julia (played by Julia Ormond) hardest – losing her husband of 35 years, or her best friend?

It’s also clear that Marsha questions if ending up with Ted was worth the loss of Julia’s friendship – especially when she sees how jealous he is that Julia is now dating the handsome, young Benjamin (Ben Barnes).

Unfortunat­ely Ted’s cheating has left Julia with a legacy of mistrust, so when Patrick and Della arrive at the house armed with ammunition that they claim proves Benjamin is a conman with a penchant for dating older (and probably rich) women, she’s quick to believe them.

 ??  ?? Mia, who has scoliosis
Mia, who has scoliosis
 ??  ?? Julia and Benjamin
Julia and Benjamin

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