The Chronicle

Call for rethink on opening schools


THE Government should “step back” from its plan to reopen schools in England to more pupils from June 1, education unions have urged.

Nine unions, representi­ng school leaders, teachers and support staff, have accused the Government of showing a “lack of understand­ing” about the dangers of the spread of coronaviru­s in schools.

The joint statement, published by the Trades Union Congress, warns that staff will “not be protected” by social distancing if primary schools reopen to more year groups from next month.

It says: “We call on the Government to step back from June 1 and work with us to create the conditions for a safe return to schools based on the principles and tests we have set out.”

The plea comes after the Government announced its ambition for all primary school pupils in England to go back to school for a month before the summer.

The Government said it expects children to be able to return to nurseries, and for Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 pupils to be back in school, from June 1 at the earliest.

The joint statement, from organisati­ons including the NAHT school leaders’ union and the National Education Union, says: “We all want schools to reopen, but that should only happen when it is safe to do so.

“The Government is showing a lack of understand­ing about the dangers of the spread of coronaviru­s within schools, and outwards from schools to parents, siblings and relatives, and to the wider community.”

It comes after the Department for Education issued guidelines on Monday which said primary school class sizes should be limited to 15 pupils and outdoor space should be utilised.

The advice, on how to safely reopen schools, calls for lunch and break times to be staggered, as well as drop-off and pickup times, to reduce the number of pupils moving around.

On the guidance, the joint statement from the unions adds: “Uniquely, it appears, school staff will not be protected by social distancing rules. Fifteen children in a class, combined with their very young age, means that classrooms of four and five-year-olds could become sources of Covid-19 transmissi­on and spread.

“We do not think that the Government should be posing this level of risk to our society.”

It comes after unions sent a list of key measures to the Government last week which they say must be met before pupils in England can safely return to their desks.

The message, issued to the Education Secretary Gavin Williamson, called for extra money for deep cleaning and personal protective equipment (PPE), as well as local powers to close schools if clusters of Covid-19 infections break out in an area.

Paul Whiteman, general secretary of NAHT, told MPs on Tuesday that they had not been consulted on specific plans, announced in recent days, to admit some year groups from June 1.

 ??  ?? Education Secretary Gavin Williamson
Education Secretary Gavin Williamson

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