The Chronicle


PRUDENCE WADE asks the experts what you should know about protecting the largest organ in your body


IT’S a sweeping stereotype, but a lot of men have a fairly basic – or entirely non-existent – skincare routine. Compare this to the regimes of women, who have cabinets full of lotions, serums, moisturise­rs and masks.

Sexism is at play here: society historical­ly places more pressure on women to look youthful and wrinkle-free. In comparison, the rugged, salt and pepper look is valued in men, meaning ageing isn’t as big a deal.

Women suffer from these double-standards, both mentally and financiall­y. But it also impacts men – not only are they neglecting their skin, but they’re missing out on the pleasure a proper skincare routine can give you.

“Men have been brought up not caring about their appearance, their health and particular­ly their skin’s health,” says Dr Catharine Denning, Curel’s dermatolog­ist and aesthetic doctor ambassador. “Culturally, it hasn’t been seen as masculine to care too much about these things and, as such, men are often never taught how to look after their skin.”

These preconcept­ions are changing as gender boundaries become increasing­ly blurred. Your skin isn’t just about vanity, but is an important part of overall health. The world of skincare can be a daunting one, but that doesn’t mean you have to immediatel­y adopt a multi-step routine and use dozens of products.

Here’s what men should know about the basics of protecting their skin...


“YOUR skin is the largest organ in the body and is vital for lots of life functions, including immunity, temperatur­e regulation and protection against microbes, as well as the elements,” explains Dr Denning. “Simply put, you would only survive a few hours without your skin, however, it’s one of the last things people think of in terms of their overall health.”

Protecting your skin properly will help reduce your risk of skin cancer – which is the most common type of cancer in Ireland, and one of the most common in the UK.

A proper skincare routine – which includes a good quality SPF – is vital. Even though those with fair skin have a greater risk of skin cancer, it’s important to remember that everyone can get it – regardless of how much melanin is in your skin.


THERE’S an almost hilarious difference in how male and female beauty products are packaged – it’s either manly colours like black or blue, compared to pretty, delicate, sparkly versions for women.

While you don’t have to buy a product specifical­ly designed for your gender, male and female skin does have different needs.

“Men’s and women’s skin differs in certain aspects, such as hair growth, sweat rate, oil production, pH and other factors,” Dr Denning explains.

“Until the age of 50, men’s skin barrier function is better. Their skin is thicker, their oil production is generally greater and they don’t lose so much water through the skin. This means that men have less tendency for dryness.”


EVEN if male and female skin differs, Dr Denning says: “They both benefit from the same type of active ingredient­s,” – so you don’t necessaril­y have to stick to male-only products.

If you have a completely non-existent skincare routine, it’s a good idea to start small – you don’t want to suddenly adopt a multi-step routine you won’t be able to maintain.

For Victoria Schofield, digital education executive at skincare brand Dermalogic­a: “The bare minimum for anyone’s skin is to cleanse and moisturise daily,” she says. “Cleansing is the foundation to healthy skin, as removing dirt, debris and pollutants will keep skin clear.”

As male skin tends to be oilier, Victoria says: “A clay and charcoal based cleanser is great to purify and deeply cleanse, however, ensure the formula is fortified with skin protective lipids, so skin isn’t left feeling stripped, tight and vulnerable to damage.”

Both Victoria and Dr Denning recommend using a light moisturise­r, which will hydrate the skin without making it too oily. Another non-negotiable is including SPF into your routine – Dr Denning advises a standalone product, saying: “Don’t rely on one in your moisturise­r.”

This really is the bare minimum – for that extra boost of skin protection, you could think about adding in a vitamin C product, which Dr Denning says “will help defend against pollution and other toxins we encounter on a daily basis”. Once you’ve found the products that work for you, you can start experiment­ing with other hero ingredient­s in skincare, like retinols and glycolic acids. Baby steps for now – and whatever you do, make sure you’re drinking enough water.

 ??  ?? If you want to care for your skin properly, it’ll take more than just soap and water
If you want to care for your skin properly, it’ll take more than just soap and water
 ??  ?? Skincare experts Dr Catharine Denning and Victoria Schofield
Skincare experts Dr Catharine Denning and Victoria Schofield

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