The Chronicle

How craft can help your kids master mindfulnes­s


LEARNING a hobby or skill is a great way to pass the time, but trying something new has other benefits, too.

Staying busy can help us process the challenges we are facing in our everyday lives and even keep anxiety at bay.

Chartered psychologi­st, physical trainer and yoga teacher Suzy Reading believes that making the right choice of activity can have a positive effect on our wellbeing.

“Make sure that you choose something life-giving to occupy yourself with,” says Suzy.

“We can numb ourselves out with TV and, yes, that distracts us from worry but we don’t want to do that for large chunks of the day.

“What we need is variety in our visual diet.”

As well as being a distractio­n from events in the news, having a project to focus on can give families the opportunit­y to come together and talk.

“I love that, when it comes to art and crafts, there’s a chance for you to express yourself, process your emotions and practice mindfulnes­s,” says Suzy. “Mindfulnes­s is being absorbed by the moment – what’s happening inside of you, what’s happening outside of you – and allowing it to unfold without judgement or criticism.

“Doing art and craft builds your mindfulnes­s muscles and lets you get your feelings out. It’s a really healthy way to spend your time.” Many of us have had to become temporary teachers during lockdown, and are feeling the pressure.

“With all the home schooling that we’re doing, it’s nice for kids to be able to let their hair down with their creative pursuits,” says Suzy. “There’s no good or bad. It doesn’t matter how it comes out, just enjoy the process and don’t even worry about the end result.”

“You don’t have to be a grand sculptor – it could be pressing some flowers and making a card, doing a collage, tracing around things or painting a pattern.”

Whatever you choose, it needs to be pleasurabl­e to allow you to really relax.

“It’s about flow,” adds Suzy. “Being in a state of flow is something that we access in creativity. It’s deeply pleasurabl­e and that’s fantastic for both our physical and mental health.”

■ Self Care for Tough Times by Suzy Reading is out now. See suzyreadin­

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Picture: Natalya Chagrin
Suzy Reading Picture: Natalya Chagrin
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