The Chronicle

Hotel guest who left behind a trail of destructio­n


- By ROB KENNEDY Court reporter

A RAMPAGING hotel guest left a trail of destructio­n and flooded a restaurant after barricadin­g himself in his room.

Guests at the Premier Inn on Newcastle Quayside had to be evacuated as Lee Cox ran amok in a state of cocaine-induced paranoia.

After barricadin­g himself into room 134, he smashed through a wall into the corridor to get out and left gaping holes in the ceiling of the hotel.

Staff were alerted to the damage he was causing when water started pouring into the Slug and Lettuce bar and restaurant, downstairs.

Newcastle Crown Court heard concerned hotel workers used a master key to open the door to the room but it was barricaded and the sound of furniture being “thrown and broken” could be heard from inside.

Prosecutor Helen Towers told the court Cox eventually left the room by smashing through the bathroom wall, out into the hallway and headed towards the hotel entrance.

The 49-year-old, who was bloodstain­ed and barefoot, then jumped behind the reception, punched a glass window out to gain access to a back office, through to a kitchen and into the ceiling, where he hid until the police arrived.

Miss Towers said two female staff members were behind the reception area were left terrified by what happened.

She added: “In terms of damage to the room, there were several holes in the ceiling of the bathroom, a further hole from the bathroom to the corridor wall.

“It is believed when the room had been barricaded, the defendant smashed through the bathroom and into the corridor to leave the room.

“There was damage done to furniture and by the flooding.

“There was evidence of drug use within the room.”

The court heard the hotels’ other guests had to be evacuated and the restaurant below had to close due to damage done to the electrics.

Cox, of Hobby Way, Cannock, West Midlands, admitted damaging property.

Judge Julie Clemitson sentenced him to six months imprisonme­nt, suspended for 18 months, with rehabilita­tion requiremen­ts and a four-month nighttime curfew.

Cox was ordered to pay £250 compensati­on to each of the two workers who had been behind reception when he jumped over the counter.

Judge Clemitson told him: “It seems, in your state, you hadn’t appreciate­d you had barricaded your own door.

“You found your way out by breaking through the wall into the corridor, such was your state of intoxicati­on, confusion and paranoia.

“You presented yourself at reception in an alarming fashion, hands covered in blood. Your behaviour was extremely bizarre.”

Judge Clemitson said the value of the damage caused by Cox was “many, many tens of thousands of pounds” and staff were “very frightened”.

Rachel Hedworth, defending, told the court: “He caused a huge amount of damage in a singlehand­ed rampage through this hotel. He doesn’t seek to minimise the effect of his behaviour.”

Miss Hedworth said Cox had been struggling with relationsh­ip problems and had stayed at the hotel after taking cocaine rather than go out on the town with his friends. She added that Cox was “completely paranoid” during the destructio­n, thought he was under significan­t threat and was “cowering” when police arrived to arrest him.

He caused major damage to the tendons in one of his hands during the rampage and needed plastic surgery afterwards.

The court heard Cox runs a business fitting sprinkler systems and provided references as to his ordinarily positive character.

Miss Hedworth added: “He is utterly ashamed as he stands before you today having committed an offence of this nature.”

 ??  ?? Police cars around the Premier Inn on Lombard Street on Newcastle’s Quayside
Police cars around the Premier Inn on Lombard Street on Newcastle’s Quayside
 ??  ?? Lee Cox, who caused extensive damage at the Premier Inn
Lee Cox, who caused extensive damage at the Premier Inn

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