The Chronicle

Burglar caught in act while trying to steal Harley Davidson


A BURGLAR who tried to steal a Harley Davidson was defeated by the motorbike’s security system.

Nathan Johnson tried to help himself to the machine but it started making a noise and flashing its lights because it was being moved without its fob being nearby.

A court heard Johnson also entered the owner’s house in Coxlodge, Gosforth, Newcastle, but only got away with loose change.

It was on the night of May 3 while the victim and his family were in bed that Johnson (pictured) struck. The homeowner woke around 3am and noticed a security light on, looking out he saw a figure in a parking area behind his back garden.

Nick Lane, prosecutin­g at Newcastle Crown Court, said: “He saw his Harley Davidson motorbike’s hazard lights come on it was in the back garden under a tarpaulin.

“He also heard a loud audible warning, part of the security system which is activated if it’s moved without the security fob being within 15 feet of it.”

The victim called the police and he thinks either the sound of the call or the light from his mobile phone alerted Johnson to the fact he was being watched, as he ran behind a shed.

After the police turned up, the man went to investigat­e and found his home had been entered through a conservato­ry door and cash and a wallet had been stolen. However a number of high value electrical items had not been taken. The victim said: “The incident annoyed me due to the fact this man was able to enter my home where my two sons and wife live.” When Johnson was interviewe­d by officers, he made full admissions and expressed remorse. He said he had gone out looking to steal bikes, that he was not a burglar and it was not in his character but he admitted going in and stealing the wallet and cash.

The 31-year-old, who has previous for two robberies and GBH, pleaded guilty to burglary, attempted theft of the motorbike, and possessing cannabis when arrested .

He also asked for two other burglaries and one attempted burglary, all of sheds on the same night, to be taken into considerat­ion.

Johnson, of Waverley Road, Newcastle, was sentenced to 16 months suspended for two years with 150 hours unpaid work and a two-month 7pm-7am curfew.

Mark Harrison, defending, said Johnson had written a letter of apology “expressing his shame and disgust” at his behaviour. He added: “He’s been the victim of a burglary and understand­s the upset and devastatio­n such offences can have.

“This was all misbehavio­ur on one night of what he describes himself as sheer madness. He had taken cocaine and had been given what he describes as street valium.”

Mr Harrison said Johnson, who has two young children, handed himself in to police and “foolishly” took a small amount of cannabis with him, which he forgot about.

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