The Chronicle

Tips on how to deal with some of the trickiest moments


DADS often do things differentl­y to mums, but their role shouldn’t be underestim­ated.

That’s the Father’s Day message from dad and author Rob Kemp, who says: “Dads are different. The way we play with our kids, the influences we have, and the bonds we form differ greatly from the way mums do things.

“But never underestim­ate your influence upon your child and your role as a father – especially in the first years of their life.”

Father-of-one Rob, author of fatherhood books including the Expectant Dad’s Survival Guide and the newly-published Dadding It!, identifies some landmark moments for dads, and suggests how to deal with them...


SOME expectant parents live in fear of that first nappy change, but the fear is worse than the act itself. Cover the surroundin­g area with an old towel, then:

Keep your head back: removing a baby’s nappy and exposing their nether regions to cooler air can trip their personal sprinkler system. Change your baby on a flat, stable surface, ideally with a changing mat.

Keep your tools to hand: like a surgeon about to perform an intricate operation, you need to surround yourself with the tools (baby wipes, disposal bags, etc.).

Keep them clean: clean and dry your baby thoroughly and apply any creams you’re using before putting on the fresh nappy.


WHEN your kid first kicks off a tantrum it can be an unnerving experience.

On the whole, tantrums are born out of frustratio­n. He or she wants to communicat­e something but hasn’t yet developed the language. When tantrums do happen, or look like they’re about to, tactics dads have employed include: Give a warning: prepare them for a transition to prevent a meltdown. When it’s time to let another kid go on the Noddy car, let them know they have one more minute, or a last go. Change the setting: try removing them from the immediate vicinity.

 ??  ?? Have a plan for tantrums
Have a plan for tantrums

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