The Chronicle

Boys ready for a fight in city centre are arrested


TWO teenagers have been arrested after plain-clothed officers spotted them preparing to fight in Newcastle city centre.

It was reported the teenagers had organised a fight near Old Eldon Square on Sunday but, as tensions began to boil over, the officers sprang into action and arrested the boys.

Northumbri­a Police have since warned parents their children face arrest after reports of anti-social behaviour.

Crowds of up to 100 schoolchil­dren, some as young as 12, have been gathering around Eldon Square, Monument and Northumber­land Street.

They had allegedly been drinking and acting in an intimidati­ng manner towards other members of the public.

Northumbri­a Police said patrols would be stepped up and children would be taken home to be spoken to in front of their parents or even arrested.

Chief Inspector Steve Wykes said the arrests at the weekend showed the tactics the force will use to crackdown on disorder in Newcastle.

He said: “We are concerned about the numbers of schoolchil­dren gathering in the city centre and that is why we issued the warning.

“The vast majority of these children have never been in trouble with police before but they are on a path which could lead to them being arrested.

“That would be a last resort but when we start to see violence or criminal damage then we are left with little choice.”

He added: “On this occasion we became aware of an organised fight which was taking place near Old Eldon Square and we reacted quickly to nip it in the bud.

“It was a team of plain-clothed officers who made the arrests and it shows our police officers could be anywhere, even if you cannot see a uniform.

“I hope it offers reassuranc­e to businesses and visitors to the city and shows this type of behaviour will not be tolerated.

“My main message stays the same - I need parents to work with police to ensure young people are not travelling into the city to commit crime or disorder.”

The two boys - aged 17 and 16 have since been released on police bail pending further inquiries.

Anyone who wants to report an incident or anti-social behaviour can do so by visiting the ‘Tell Us Something’ pages of the Northumbri­a Police website.

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