The Chronicle

Greggs won’t stump up the dough if staff self-isolate after holidays


BAKERY giant Greggs has told staff it won’t pay them if they have to self-isolate when returning from foreign holidays.

Thousands of holidaymak­ers face the prospect of missing two weeks of work when they return to the UK after the Government imposed quarantine for people returning from Spain.

Businesses have taken different approaches to the news, but Greggs’ boss Roger Whiteside said he had been “absolutely explicit” to staff that people taking foreign holidays did so at their own risk.

Speaking to BBC Radio Five Live, he said: “We’ve really tried to be very fair about how to handle this crisis. We topped up the furlough pay from 80% to 100% during the lockdown phase, because we thought that was the fair thing to do.

“And then when news came out that people could start to think about going away on holiday, we thought about that, but we made it clear to people: look there is a risk clearly that quarantine might apply, so if you do decide, you have to take that risk for yourself.

“You can’t expect the company to pay for your quarantine if you’ve chosen to take the risk that you’d go abroad and then find that you’ve then got to quarantine when you get back.

“So we won’t be paying for that quarantine.”

Greggs this week announced a major loss for the first half of the year but said sales had rebounded to around 72% of normal levels since shops re-opened three weeks ago. It still has about a quarter of its 25,000 employees on furlough and said it couldn’t make decisions on how many returned until it saw whether demand returned to more normal levels.

The company has slowed plans to open more shops and has put a project to open some cafes in the evening on hold until next year.

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