The Chronicle

Quick crossword



1. Descend by rope (6)

7. In an emergency (2,1,5)

8. Fail to hit (4)

10. Counting frame (6)

11. Treat badly or harshly (6)

14. Transgress­ion (3)

16. Punctuatio­n mark (5)

17. Ultimate (4)

19. Don (3,2)

21. Intolerant person (5)

22. Iraqi currency (5)

23. Applaud (4)

26. Finger or toe (5)

28. Vegetable (3)

29. Excused (6)

30. Study (6)

31. Elderly (4)

32. Watches carefully (8)

33. Spring plants (6)


1. Assault (6)

2. Evoke (6)

3. Girl (4)

4. Fruit (7)

5. Make void (5)

6. Lustre (5)

8. Done on a large scale (4)

9. Star (3)

12. Male offspring (3)

13. Bulgarian capital (5)

15. Sucrose (5)

18. Attach (5)

19. Narrow brooch (3)

20. Hill (3)

21. Small acting role (3,4)

22. Faint (3)

23. Breakfast food (6)

24. Praise, glorify (4)

25. Cleans feathers (6)

26. Warehouse (5)

27. Aquatic birds (5)

28. Dowel (3)

30. Bygone (4)

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