The Chronicle

How to support someone who has suffered a miscarriag­e



TIt’s about helping people by letting them know you’re there to listen.

Ruth Bender-Atik, national director of the Miscarriag­e Associatio­n

HE Duchess of Sussex has revealed she suffered a miscarriag­e over the summer. In an article for The New York Times, entitled ‘The Losses We Share’, Meghan wrote: “I knew, as I clutched my firstborn child, that I was losing my second.

“Hours later, I lay in a hospital bed, holding my husband’s hand.

“I felt the clamminess of his palm and kissed his knuckles, wet from both our tears. Staring at the cold white walls, my eyes glazed over. I tried to imagine how we’d heal.”

Despite the NHS saying miscarriag­es are “much more common than most people realise” – with around one in eight known pregnancie­s estimated to end in miscarriag­e – it’s still a fairly taboo subject.

Meghan said in the article: “Despite the staggering commonalit­y of this pain, the conversati­on remains taboo, riddled with (unwarrante­d) shame, and perpetuati­ng a cycle of solitary mourning.”

National director of the Miscarriag­e Associatio­n Ruth Bender-Atik says: “With miscarriag­e we’re talking about two things that are difficult for people to get their heads around.

“One is you’re talking about an unseen death, a death of somebody that you don’t yet know or hasn’t yet existed in the minds of most people.

“But you’re also talking about something that’s very visceral – you’re talking about vaginal bleeding and pain.”

This means it can be hard to know what to say to someone who has suffered a miscarriag­e – particular­ly if you’re afraid you might say something wrong.

“However, that doesn’t mean miscarriag­es should be ignored.

“The most important thing to do when someone you know has had a miscarriag­e – or even perhaps someone you don’t know but you feel moved to respond to them – is to acknowledg­e what they’ve been through in the simplest of ways without putting your own assumption­s or your own views on there,” says Ruth.

She urges us to “say something that acknowledg­es you understand what’s happened, but then you’re giving them the opportunit­y to say more… it’s about helping people by letting them know you’re there to listen.

“Whether they want to talk is up to them, but they will be glad to know that you’re listening to them.”

Every person is different. In her article Meghan suggested a question as simple as “are you OK?” is helpful.

The Miscarriag­e Associatio­n also suggests saying something like, “I’m sorry”.

For some people, “sharing is helpful”, says Ruth. “If it’s helpful for them, it can remind us that it doesn’t matter where you are in terms of your position in society, your socio-economic group, your ethnicity: if you are a woman and you have had intercours­e and you are of a reproducti­ve age, you can have a miscarriag­e.”

However, she adds: “If somebody

doesn’t want to talk about their miscarriag­e, that’s absolutely up to them.

“I don’t believe we should be telling everyone that you must talk about your miscarriag­e and it absolutely mustn’t be kept private.”

While Ruth doesn’t think famous figures should feel they have to speak out if they have had a miscarriag­e, she says: “I think it can be very helpful.”

Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon opened up in 2016 about her miscarriag­e and when she mentioned the associatio­n, “it meant a load of people knew about us and knew they could get help from us when they wouldn’t have before,” adds Ruth.

High-profile figures can help break the stigma around miscarriag­es, with Ruth saying: “It doesn’t have to be a taboo subject.”

Ultimately, she’s “grateful to Meghan for talking about this and for sharing it, but I so wish she hadn’t had to be in that position to share it at all”.

 ??  ?? The Duke and Duchess of Sussex with son Archie
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex with son Archie
 ??  ?? Talking about a miscarriag­e is not for everyone but sharing can be helpful
Talking about a miscarriag­e is not for everyone but sharing can be helpful
 ??  ?? The Duchess of Sussex
The Duchess of Sussex

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