The Chronicle

Your Covid Heroes: The hospice that kept on supporting patients through lockdown



tect themselves. Throughout it all, the hospice offered regular calls in check ins, supporting people at a distance in a host of invaluable ways.

When we asked you to tell us about your ‘Covid Heroes’ - the people who have gone above and beyond for their communitie­s during the pandemic - Mark told us the hospice simply had to be included.

He said: “Until I had gone to the hospice I was feeling a bit low, not knowing what was going to happen with the defibrilla­tor in my chest. It was a scary time and I felt a bit lost once I left the hospital, until I went to St Cuthbert’s.

“When lockdown was announced they were amazing - calling every week to find out if I needed anything, they were there for me all the time. We’re now able to go back in small groups and it’s brilliant.

“They are so helpful, it’s as if nothing at all fazes them, they just want to be there to help people - it’s a beautiful place.”

Hospice staff said they were thrilled by the nomination, and thanked Mark for highlighti­ng their vital work.

Denise Crawford, the day services manager at the hospice, said: “We have been in weekly telephone contact with those unable to attend the Hospice for many, many months now. It is so important we keep in touch and support those who need us.

“Our calls can range from a very brief conversati­on to a little longer for those who require more of our time. Some of the people we speak to may not receive any other contact from the outside world, so we’re happy to spend the time making sure they’re doing ok. Kindness can have such an impact, and often the simplest things really do mean the most.

“The team are constantly thinking of new ways to keep in touch and help make every day count. “

The Chronicle has teamed up with Amazon to share the stories of the Covid Heroes of your community. All we need you to do is fill in the form below and nominate a person, organisati­on or group that has made a difference to your life in 2020.

We don’t want to pick a winner - they’re all winners as far as we’re concerned - but we will contact as many of your heroes as possible to shine a spotlight on them in December.

Who do you think deserves recognitio­n in your community? Go to our sister website chroniclel­

 ??  ?? Paul Marriott and Mark Reynolds
Paul Marriott and Mark Reynolds

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