The Chronicle

EU rules could kill off pigeon fanciers’ hobby

- By HERBERT SODEN Local Democracy Reporter

A GATESHEAD pigeon fancier has warned that Brexit red tape could kill the sport he loves.

After leaving the EU, Britain is now classed as a third party country meaning homing pigeons have to be quarantine­d for three weeks before they can be released in France to race across the Channel.

The pigeon fraternity say the extra cost of this would be prohibitiv­e and that birds wouldn’t be fit to race after such a long time away from home.

The Royal Pigeon Racing Associatio­n, the sport’s governing body, is calling for an exception to be made so that these races can still happen.

In a letter to the European Commission for Health and Food Safety the associatio­n’s CEO, Ian Evans, said releasing racing pigeons in France is a “non-commercial process that has happened for one hundred years without any negative impact on health.”

Alan Todd, a member of Winlaton Homing Society, said that previously enthusiast­s could release their birds in France without the need to quarantine. He said: “If we want to race pigeons from France they have to be quarantine­d for three weeks.

“Before they would leave here on Thursday, get to France on Friday, and race back to Britain on Saturday.”

The 59-year-old, who has been involved in the sport all his life, said that the new regulation­s are causing people to leave the sport.

Mr Todd currently has 120 birds, and has owned two cross-Channel winners. His blue pied cock Bob was also awarded Channel bird of the year by his club.

Mr Todd continued: ”It’s got us all up in arms. I think it could kill the sport.

“They’re telling us we can’t fly our pigeons – it’s a disgrace. A lot of people are planning on walking away from the sport because of this.

“There’s people in the club who are in their 80s, all they have got is pigeons, it’s more than a sport, it’s a way of life.”

Mr Todd also warned that the rules could threaten the livelihood­s of those that earn their living from the sport. He added: “A lot of people are employed because of the sport, like the wagon drivers that take the pigeons to France and people buy pigeons from Belgium and Holland. It could stop people earning a living.

“Pigeons are sent abroad after the age of two, when they get to that age they don’t compete in British races because they aren’t fast enough.”

The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport have been approached for comment.

 ??  ?? Alan Todd of the Winlaton Homing Society at his pigeon loft near Blaydon
Alan Todd of the Winlaton Homing Society at his pigeon loft near Blaydon

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