The Chronicle

Greed remark shows how crass Boris is


THE recent concerns about possible side effects of the AstraZenec­a vaccine shouldn’t detract from the excellent work done by those who developed the vaccine and the great people who are involved in rolling out the programme.

But, as usual, our hapless PM is trying to use the success for political point-scoring. His crass comments at a private meeting of Tory MPs that the success was down to greed and capitalism tells you all you need to know about a man who is unfit to lead.

The reality is that greed and capitalism have gone hand in hand over the generation­s and the consequenc­es for ordinary men and women have been disastrous. In the 1930s a miner was killed every six hours in this country because of the failure to invest in infrastruc­ture and safety. In the 80s we saw Hillsborou­gh when safety standards were constantly ignored and just a few short years ago we saw the agony of Grenfell Tower. All down to corporate greed.

Boris Johnson has tried to put the comments off as a joke in the same way as he has behaved on so many occasions in the past. But If we want a comedian for PM let’s vote for Peter Kay.

Johnson’s other tactic has been his relaxed relationsh­ip with the truth. These columns aren’t long enough to list the lies

he told in his obsession to reach the highest seat in the land.

We deserve so much better. The lack of trust in this Prime Minister’s mishandlin­g of the pandemic so far seem to have started to fade as the success of the vaccinatio­n programme goes on. But the last thing we need is to have the rollout undermined because of inane comments by a man who can’t stop himself from acting the buffoon.

DAVE ANDERSON, Middletoni­n-Teesdale, County Durham

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