The Chronicle

Human rights group demands major overhaul of league’s test


AMNESTY Internatio­nal has demanded a ‘proper overhaul’ of the Premier League’s owners’ and directors’ test following the latest allegation­s about the Newcastle United takeover.

Fresh developmen­ts in the saga claim Mohammed bin Salman made a personal plea to PM Boris Johnson for a decision last summer.

The Premier League issued “no comment” on the latest revelation­s, while the Government has denied it was involved ‘at any point’ in the takeover decision.

The claims came just hours after the Chronicle’s FOI investigat­ion found the Government believed a Premier League decision on the Saudi-led buyout of the Magpies was just hours away in June 2020.

Now, Amnesty Internatio­nal have issued a statement addressing the allegation­s surroundin­g Johnson’s and bin Salman’s involvemen­t in the bid last summer.

Kate Allen, the human rights group’s UK director, said: “Reports Mohammed Bin Salman made threats about possible damage to UK-Saudi relations if the deal did not go ahead only illustrate­s this was always more than just a commercial transactio­n within football.

“At the time the crown prince was putting this pressure on No 10, the world was still reeling from the fall-out over Jamal Khashoggi’s murder, Saudi human rights activists like Loujain al-Hathloul were languishin­g in jail and Saudi warplanes were bombing Yemen.

“There needs to be a proper overhaul of the Premier League’s owners’ and directors’ test to provide proper human rights scrutiny of who is trying to buy into the glamour of English football.”

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