The Chronicle

Regular Covid testing – get into the habit

If you have no Covid symptoms you could still have the virus. So regular testing will help keep people safe


REGULAR rapid testing is helping to reduce the spread of Covid-19 as lockdown restrictio­ns begin to ease, with twice-weekly testing becoming a habit for millions.

Free rapid lateral flow tests are now available to everyone in

England. Because around one in three people has no Covid-19 symptoms, these rapid tests – which give results in up to 30 minutes – are vital to help stop the spread.

Rapid tests catch over 95 per cent of cases in people with high viral loads, which means they’re effective in identifyin­g the most infectious cases – those more likely to transmit the virus.

And because the tests are so easy to do at home – providing a result in up to half an hour – it means that anyone getting a positive result can isolate quickly.

As lockdown lifts, these rapid tests are already playing a crucial part in limiting the spread of Covid-19. So far, more than 43 million have been carried out, including more than 25 million in schools and colleges.

Most people get Covid-19 from those closest to them, such as family, friends or work colleagues. Building a regular testing habit is particular­ly important to identify cases where people aren’t experienci­ng symptoms. So people who wouldn’t have suspected they had Covid-19 are able to isolate immediatel­y.

Alongside the vaccine rollout, rapid tests are an important step in driving down the transmissi­on of Covid-19. The habit of regular testing combined with other health behaviours can help keep your friends, families and communitie­s safe. Remember: Hands, Face, Space, Fresh Air. Wear a face covering, wash your hands, keep a two-metre distance and only meet people from other households outdoors.

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