The Chronicle

Niche stories of city’s past told in book


ANEW book, Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Fragments of the Past, takes a look at the history of our great city.

Written by local historian, Michael Southwick, a born-and-bred Novocastri­an, it shines a light on the city’s famous folk, prominent places, remarkable events, facts and figures, and day-to-day life.

The book covers many of the city’s big stories but it also regales lesser-known tales of the past.

Here we pick out 12 interestin­g facts from Newcastle’s rich history that are revealed in the book.

1. At various times between the 1130s and 1307, Newcastle was the venue of a Royal Mint, as well as playing host to a related”financial exchange”. This was to provide an important Northern financial base for the crown in the wars against the Scots, but, as a side effect, greatly aided the early economical developmen­t of the town.

2. Charles Hutton, born in Newcastle in 1737, provided the mathematic­al nous in the scientific world’s early attempts to estimate the density of the earth. To do this he essentiall­y “weighed” the Scottish mountain of Schiehalli­on by an ingenious method while also inventing the cartograph­ic contour line.

3. The first political party conference as we know it was held by the Liberal Party in Newcastle’s old Town Hall in the Bigg Market in October 1891. The meeting, headed by William Gladstone, was notable for the unveiling of an election manifesto (known as the “Newcastle Programme”) – the first time such an announceme­nt had been made prior to a General Election.

4. The Forth Hotel pub on Pink Lane was once run by Tommy Burns, a former world heavyweigh­t boxing champion. Tommy reigned between 1906 and 1908, before going on to run the pub between 1921 and 1927.

5. Newcastle United still hold the record for the biggest ever FA Cup semi-final win – a 6-0 victory over Fulham on March 28, 1908 at Anfield. The Magpies lost the final to seconddivi­sion Wolves.

6. In the early 19th century, it was common practice for builders and roofers to employ women as their labourers. They could often be seen scrambling across roofs with bricks and mortar upon their heads.

7. Newcastle Brown Ale’s famous fivepointe­d blue star represents the five founding breweries brought together in 1890 to form Newcastle Breweries Ltd – two from North Shields, two from Gateshead and one from Sunderland.

8. The first reinforced concrete building was designed and constructe­d around 1865 by Newcastle man William Boutland Wilkinson. It stood north of Ellison Place, in the yard of Wilkinson’s concrete works. It was demolished in 1954.

9. Parachutis­t Miss Alma Beaumont made a balloon ascent followed by a parachute descent from the West End Football Ground (present-day St James’ Park) on October 27, 1889, in front of a “large concourse of spectators”.

10. Newcastle’s Lit & Phil Society was the recipient of England’s first specimens of both the wombat and the duck-billed platypus. They were sent to these shores in two separate parcels by society member John Hunter, Governor of New South Wales, during 1798-1800.

11. Renowned philosophe­r Ludwig Wittgenste­in lived in Newcastle for 10 months during the 1940s, working as a lab assistant at the Royal Victoria Infirmary.

12. The Theatre Royal, opened in 1837, and Grey Street’s crowning glory is missing a statue. The empty pedestal on its roof was supposed to support a large statue of the actress Mrs Siddons but it was never delivered.

■■Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Fragments of the Past is available from Amazon (paperback, £6.25 plus postage and packaging/eBook, £1.99). All profits (which amount to about £1 per sale) are donated to the Great North Children’s Hospital.

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